10 Things You Should Never, Ever, Tell a Writer

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This is mostly for those who aren't writers. But these are just my opinion. I hate it when people tell me crap like this. It makes me want to kill someone.


Idiot:  So, Is your book any good?

Me: Wait. Are you wondering if I can actually write? Wow. Glad you believe in my skills.


Idiot:   Can I get a free copy of your book?

Me:   You can buy a copy.  Cause I need money to buy food and survive.  But you may not have a free copy.


Idiot:  I have a really good book idea!  You write it,  and we'll share the profits!

Me: Or you could just leave me alone to write my own ideas, while you go write your own book!


Idiot:  Can I be in your book?

Me: Of course not in my book. Go write your own book and put yourself in that instead. 

*normally, there are three different reasons why they ask this.

A.  They want their name mentioned at least one time

B. They want to be one of the main characters

C. They want to be a main character and describe to you everything they want their character to be, detail after detail.


Idiot: I'd write my own book, but I don't have the time.

Me:  so you really think writing a book is something writers do in their free time? No. For some, writing is their career. We have a deadline and work hours.


Idiot: What's your real job?

Me: So writing is not a job? or a career? Then why am I even worried about writing if it's not providing for my needs?


Idiot:  Lucky! I wish I could do nothing all day!

Allee:  Just because my work desk is my bed, with my pajamas as work clothes, doesn't mean I'm just sitting there all day. I'm using my brain and using my fingers to type on my keyboard or to write on paper. 


Idiot:  Is your book the next book that will be turned into a movie?

Me:  So writing this book is useless. you just want to watch the movie. Ok. You go ahead and make your own movie script. I'll go find another job or hobby to do.


Idiot:  You should take a break.

Me:  Well, what would happen if you took a break during your shift at your job? What would happen? You would get fired. In other words, if I took a break, I will eventually fire myself from my job as a writer. So no. I will not take a break.


Idiot: Are you done yet?

Me: If I were done, you would have known by now. I don't care if you want to read it. It'll be done when I finish writing it. 

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