Mabel's Guide To Life!!!

Start from the beginning

Mabel: This will limit your dating pool to widows, lady plumbers, and convicts.

Stan: I still consider this a victory!

Mabel: *walks over to Dipper* Dipper, your score is-... eesh!!!! You know, scores don't really matter, you should just focus on being you...!

You: *snicker and try to hold in your laughter*

Mabel: *walks to Soos* Soos, on a scale of one five, you scored-... a twelve?!?

You: What? Seriously?!?

Soos: My grandma was right all along!!! I am the world's most perfect man!!! *raises his arms as pigeons land on him*

*a cardboard cutout square that says Final Thoughts and shows Mabel on the table again*

Mabel: Love is all around us, and if it seems that you two aren't the perfect fit, force it!!!

You: *from another room* MABEL, GIMME BACK MY CAMERA!!!

Mabel: Uh oh-!!! Uh, that's it for today!!!

You: MABEL!!!!!!


Mabel's Guide To Stickers

*Mabel is sitting on a chair as Dipper laid in his bed reading a book*

Mabel: Throughout history, stickers have been the backbone of many great civilizations!

Dipper: No, they haven't.

Mabel: *opens a history book* The ancient Greece used leaches for stickers!!! The more stickers you had the cooler you were!!!

Dipper: Nope, not true!!! (y/n), why are you helping Mabel?

You: 'Cause if I leave her alone with my camera, I guarantee it will end up in pieces.

Dipper: Fair.

Mabel: The ancient Aztecs chest skull was the modern equivalent to today's *shows a Jamaican orange sticker* Orange You Happy, mon?

Dipper: Yes, Aztec war paint was exactly like a rasta orange. Mabel, have you ever read a history book?!?

Mabel: Edited out!!!

*static, making Dipper disappear, then she edits many stickers on her face*

Mabel: Cut away!!!

*static, then shows Mabel holding a journal titled Sticktionary*

Mabel: Let's take a look at my personal Sticktionary!!! *opens the journal* Stickers fall into several distinct categories* Puffy stickers,

Soos: *touching the stickers* So soft!

You: Soos, you're blocking the camera!

Soos: *pulls his hand away* Sorry, dude.

Mabel: *turns the page* Goofily-eyed stickers, *shakes the journal*

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