My brothers best friend is my mate!

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"Spencer your brother will pick you up!" My mom shouts from the other room. I groan and get up. "Alright." I say back. I get out of bed and get dressed. I brush my brown hair and put on a little bit of make up. I head down stairs and eat some toast and orange juice. I grab my back pack and head for the door when my mother comes in. "oh and by the way your brother won't be picking you up, he just called and told me he had an emergency. So he sent his friend over, I believe his name is Kyle. he is an alpha so be respectful." she said as she grabbed her purse and her coffee. I sigh. Of course he bailed. At least this time I won't be running to school. "He always bails." I complain to my mother. She looks at me and frowns. "He is the beta to the alpha who is waiting for you outside." She said as she craned her neck to look out the window. I dash for the door. "Bye mom!" I shout as I close the door. I quickly walk over to the big black truck and open the door to reveal a sexy god. no joke he looked so hot. I try to climb into the tall truck which took a lot of effort but I managed to get in. As I get in the sexy dude looks at me as I struggle to get in. He smirks. "Is someone having trouble?" he asks. his sexy voice ringing in my ears. Gods he's sexy if only he was my mate but wait now that I look at his face he looks familiar. Wait a minute is that Kyle! The playboy/bad boy in our school! 'Oh crap.' I say to Lila my wolf. 'Sorry to say but he is our mate.' She says back. My eyes widen. Kyle Parker was my mate! "I'm fine" I say as I hoist myself up. I close the door and look straight ahead. When he doesn't start driving I look at him. "Aren't you going to drive?" I ask. He smirks. "Sure thing babe." He teases. I glare at him but Lila scolded me. "Hey we just met Bucky." I say. He laughs and I almost lose control of my tough act. "Oh come on babe don't deny it." He says. I give him an are-you-serious-look. He smirks and leans toward me and kisses my neck. Of course me being the weird person I am I giggle. When he kissed me on the neck it tickled and I couldn't hold it back. He raised and eye brow at me. "are you ticklish?" he asks in an I-know-you-are-voice. Then he starts tickling me. I start laughing. "no stop please stop." I say as I laugh. He smirks and tickles me more. I laugh harder and finally grab his hands. I pull them away and he stops tickling me. I take a deep breath to get some air in my lungs. I had been laughing to hard. I playfully punch his arm. "don't do that." I say. he eyes me but surprises me instead. He kisses me this time on the lips. I kiss him back and my hands caresses his cheek. after awhile I pull away. "we should probably get to school." I say. he nods but smirks at me. I blush and stare out the window. maybe my mate wouldn't be so bad.

My brothers best friend is my mate!Where stories live. Discover now