Why? Just why?

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I am so sorry to everyone who has waited for this! I lost track of time and before I knew it it had been so long since I've updated! I apologize and I hope you guys all enjoy this chapter! (I have to admit I was getting major writers block ... :/ but I think I'm back!!)

I tossed around in my bed that night. I was at home. I had been since my attempt to ruin my life and those around me but that wasn't the whole problem. Kyle wasn't here sleeping next to me and I hated it. I had grown so use to his warmth and scent that I don't like sleeping alone in an unfamiliar bed. If Kyle were here I would be out like a light but he's not... in fact he's away on business for the pack. Don't get me wrong I love that my dad's home and that I get to spend time with him but as a mate I'm starting to feel alone and it really hurts. I'm sure Kyle's feeling the same but lately him and Hunter have been so busy that they hardly sleep. That's another problem... I haven't seen my brother since that day when dad came home... I miss Hunter as well... sighing I roll over in my bed once more. If only I had Kyle's reassuring arms surrounding me, his scent engulfing me, his breathing relaxing me, his fingers drawing small circles on my arm and side. Wiping the tear away I shook my head. I can't cry! I just can't! I have to stay strong! For Kyle... looking up at the ceiling my mind wanders to that day when I was told that I wasn't capable of being Kyle's mate. When I was told that because I'm a half breed I won't be able to have children with Kyle... I bit my lip. That seems so long ago... the eastern pack... but in fact it wasn't. Speaking of that incident I haven't been able to see Liam in a while. Maybe I'll go and see him tomorrow. I don't dare if I have school, I hate school! Closing my eyes I breathe in. Hey Kyle... are you there? I mind link, praying that he'll answer. To my luck he does but he sounds horrible. Hey babe... what are you still doing up? It's almost one. Don't you have school tomorrow? I laugh. He sounds just like my father when I was little. Yeah but I can't sleep all too well without you here. I miss you... when are you coming home? We haven't been able to have anytime together... I'm worried. I confess to him. Kyle waits a while. Spencer... I'm sorry. I know it's not ideal to be separated from each other like this, especially when the full moon has past us but... he trails off and I sigh, I know his next words. When I come back I'll really try to make it up to you. Flowers, chocolates, bears, balloons- I cut him off. I don't want all of those things. All I want is you. You've told me all those things before and you do give me them but not personally or directly. It's always delivered or I come home and they're there. But Kyle. All I want is to see you. To hold you. To kiss you. It's killing me. The full moon was when we were supposed to mate but you were to busy so I waited. But if this continues... it's just so hard... tears were slowly streaming down my cheeks. The pain is growing. Spencer... look I'm the alpha and I have a job in this pack! His voice suddenly grew with anger. I work my damn hardest to make sure I get my work done as soon as I can so I can come see you but yet you have the nerve to complain? Dammit! Dammit Spencer! Why can't you just lay off me?! Everyone's always complaining to me and looking to me for answers I don't need that from you either! Jesus...! My heart was pounding as each word resonated inside of me and I held back a sob. Whys he getting so angry? All I've done is worry over him! All I want is to see his face and to help ease the burden he has but he is getting angry at me for it! I scowl. Well sorry for being so concerned for my mate! Sorry that I feel neglected. Sorry that your work has taken over your every waking moment! You know what?! I'm glad you're not here! I hope you get lots more work to keep you busy! I'm not so sure I want to have a family with you! Before I can stop myself the words had already been thought and my heart freezes. Did I just that stuff?!. I gasp as I realize what I've said. More, heavy tears fall down my face. I... I'm sor- he cuts me off. Fine whatever then!  He shouts before turning off the link. I'm left laying there. I cover my mouth and close my eyes, letting the heavy tears fall. What did I just say?! Why did I say those things? I don't mean them! I don't mean any of it! I was just so angry... Kyle's been working so hard and I had to go and yell at him! I'm so stupid. Sitting up I pulled my legs into my chest and put my head on my knees. I begin to cry and cry and cry. The tears don't stop and come morning my eyes burn with the need to sleep and from crying. Hearing my parents shuffling around downstairs I bite my lip. They might come up here...! Climbing under the covers I hide myself underneath them just as my dad walks in. "Hey sugar." He greets as he sits beside me. I don't respond. "Honey? Hey wake up it's time for school." He says. I don't respond, afraid I'll spill my guts to him. He sighs. "I heard you crying last night. What happened?" He asked. My eyes shoot open and I uncover myself. I stare at him and then feel the tears coming on. "Dad... I screwed up!" I wail, clinging on to him. He hugs me tightly. "Shhh... it's okay. Shhh. Tell me what happened." I sniffled. "I had a fight with Kyle last night! I mind linked him and I was trying to say how much I missed him but in the end we had a fight and I said something really bad!" I begin to wail again. My dad hugs me tighter. "Hmm... maybe you should just stay home today. I'll let the school know you aren't feeling good today. They'll understand." He states. I sighs and fall back in my bed. "Yeah... they'll think I tried killing myself again... ugh!" I pull the blankets up once more to shield myself from the horrors I'll face tomorrow at school. Dad sighs. "You'll be fine. I have faith in you." He says, patting my leg I groan ad feel as he leaves the room. After an hour or so I hear both my parents leave. Once they are gone I get up and walk into the bathroom. I need to see my little Liam today... he always cheers me up! I stare at my frail little half breed body in the mirror. How pathetic... looking away I climb into the shower and wash up as quickly as I can. Once I'm done I get out and dry off, wrapping a warm towel around my cold wet body and opening the bathroom door. "Holy shit! Mother of chickens!!! Marie what the hell are you doing here?!" I scream in fright and confusion and plain shock. She blushed. "I-I'm sorry! It's just I came over when I saw you weren't at school and the door was unlocked and I just... I'm so sorry!!" She bowed quickly. I clutched at my heart and sighed in relief. "It's alright just from now on don't scare me like that!" She nods. "I'm really sorry." She says once more. I walk passed we and into my room. She follows me and I look at her. "Mind if I get dressed first?" I tease her a bit. She blushed again and looked at the ground. "O-oh ah yeah sorry!" She dashed out of my room and closed the door. This girl... she's the shiest wolf I've ever seen.... hmm... I shrug and grab some clothes. I pick out a grey long sleeve sweater thing and some black leggings. After putting them in I brush my hair and spray perfume on. There. All fresh! I open the door to see her sitting there waiting for me. I smile. She's so cute! "You could of waited in the living room you know." I tease her. She blushes and stands up. "A-ah sorry..." I laugh and head downstairs, her following me. Making myself some toast I sit down and wait for it to pop up. "So... I was just heading out to go see Liam. He's a friend of mine. He cheers me up when I can't." I admit. She smiles. "That's nice... can I come with? I'm not all to familiar with the pack yet." Se confesses. I smile. "Sure." My toast pops up, scaring Marie. I laugh again and pick it up, buttering t and and then heading toward the door, sticking the toast in my mouth. I pull in some grab boots and then grab my gray fleece button up coat before looking over at Marie. "Comfe on." I say, morning her to come with me. She gets the message and scurries toward me. I smile and open the door. We walk all the way to the pack house and I eat my toast while Marie talks about school. I guess she's scared of all the others and doesn't quite have any friends unless I counted. I said I counted as her friend. I mean I could t exactly abandon her she was very sweet and shy so I don't think she's any harm like Kyle thinks. I suddenly stop walking. Kyle... I sigh and Marie notices. "Is everything alright?" She asks worriedly. I look at her shocked. What? Oh crap! I smile nervously. "Haha... yeah I'm fine." I cover up and start walking again. Suddenly she grabs my hand. "Spencer... I know we just became friends again but... you can trust me. If there's something you want to talk about, girl to girl, I'll listen." She offers. I smile and hug her. I've never had a friend either! "Thank you!" I squeeze the life out of her and then let go. "Okay well... I guess I'll start by saying that I've never had a friend either since I'm a half breed... but other than that I'm mates to Kyle... the alpha of this pack..." my high spirits of having a new found friend drop. "But... we recently had a fight. He's been gone so much lately that I kind of miss him but last night we had a fight and well... I said some horrible things and now... I'm not sure he'll ever forgive me..." a slow tear trickled down my cheek and I sniffled. Why... why do I cry so easily? I shake my head and wipe the tear away. "Sorry... anyways. I'm sure you'll make lots of friends!" I smile at her just as we arrive at the pack house. A scream stops both of us in our tracks. "Spencer come quickly!!" A women yells, yanking me. I let her drag me along as I was confused. What is going on? That's when she stops running and I look down on the ground, the thick scent of blood overpowering my nose. My eyes water and I feel my knees grow weak. "NO!" I scream out in utter pain. "No!!" I scream again. I fall to the ground. "No!" I start bawling as I crawl over to my brother who laid on the ground, spears sticking out of him. He was in his wolf form. I knelt beside him, clutching onto his fur, slobber dropping from my mouth as I cried out. "No!!" I cried out once more. My heart throbbed in pain. "Spencer..." his voice was fair and weak. I stopped crying and huddled close to him, hugging him. "It's going to be alright. People are coming to help." I say, glancing up at people and they understood. "I'll go get the doctors from in town." Someone said. I looked back down at my brother. "Hunter, it's alright I promise." I tried reassuring myself more than him because my voice trembled. "I'm sorry Spencer... i..." he cringed in pain. "It's okay!" I cut in. "I'm not mad at you! It was never your fault. I had a moment of weakness. That's all. Okay? So hurry up and stop dying on me okay?!" I tried smiling but more tears began to spill down. He looked up at me, a small smile curling his lips. "I love you..." he breathed out and suddenly he stopped breathing. "No!!" I screamed out. I shock him violently. "Hunter come back!!" I screamed. But he was gone, his eyes were no longer looking at me, they were dead. I began to sob loudly. I never got to tell him that I loved him!!! "No!!" I screamed again. I felt my body began to shake and I fell over on top of my brother. "Why?!" Why did you leave me? It's not fair! He didn't deserve to die!! Some one suddenly grabbed me and I screamed out, thrashing around. "Get off me!" I shouted, clawing at who ever it was. I was blind. All I could see was my dead brother. I leaned in and cupped his face. "No...!" I suddenly let all my emotions fall out of me. I screamed loudly and let my pain be heard. "I will kill you!!" I screamed out in pure rage. I hope who ever did this heard my screams. I hope they memorize them so that when they die by my own hands they know what they did. I then looked back at my brother and saw his lifeless eyes. He was gone... I gulp and lean over in his body, resting my head on his cold, stiff body. "Hunter..." I whispered quietly. "Hunter?" Another voice questioned. I looked up to see Kyle standing there completely stricken of all healthiness. He looked dead as well. His eyes flicked to mine and I teared up once more. Standing up I ran to him and plowed into him, hugging onto him for dear life. "Someone murdered him!" I cry out, clinging onto Kyle for dear life. He fell to the ground, tears falling down his face as well. "Oh god!" He sobbed. I clung to him. Kyle is the only other person I know who cared for Hunter as much as me and my family did. Somewhere in the distance I heard my mother bawling and my father trying to keep himself together. Our stronghold of this pack has just been breached...

Okay sooooo that was intense!! Anyone see that coming?! What happens to the pack now? What will happen between Kyle and Spencer and Marie? Until next time lovelies!!!

My brothers best friend is my mate!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें