Resolving the issue

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And the next chapter is here! Sorry for the long wait but I have finally published the next chapter! (This is the song I was listening to while writing this chapter) I hope you all like it! Enjoy! (By the way I still want some more reads on my other story Dear Mr. Adams. Thanks!)

"Well I think he's cursed!" Some one spoke up. I narrowed my eyes in their direction. Liam was not cursed! He just has a really bad life at the moment. "Like I said Liam needs someone to take him in. He has no family left." Kyle repeated. Liam stood beside me, holding my hand. His grip tightened and I knew he was scared. "We should just exile him! He brings nothing but bad luck!" Another person shouted. I glared at them. They're all idiots! How could they even say that? To exile a kid would be horrible! "I don't care what we do with him as long as he's not messing around with me!" A women spat out. Okay that's it! This all sounds way too familiar! "Everyone please calm down. These decisions are a hard thing to do consider." Kyle tried calming everyone down. I huffed. When I was condemned for being a half breed this is what happened. We held a meeting because everyone realized that I didn't have the same scent as them. I was a little younger than Liam when I went to a pack meeting and everyone wanted me gone but in the end the alpha told them I would be staying. I wonder if it's because his son is my mate...? Anyways I felt horribly guilty that my parents had to deal with me and all the hate I got. When my father left things got worse. My mother was hassled so much more and my brother started to resent me. In the end our family bond was sort of broken. In Liam's case his family had been taken from him but I still want him to grow up with out the guilt and shame I grew up with. He's a wonderful kid and he deserves it! "We should just trade him to another pack then!" That's it! Growling I pulled Liam close to me. "Enough! Why don't you people get it?! Your all assholes! You can hate me all you want for this but Liam is innocent. He had no clue what was happening to him! How would you feel knowing that you watched your parents get murdered?! How you would you feel coming home and being abused by the only family you had left? All of you are so indecent! You have no clue what he's gone through! And the fact you can still say all of those horrible things just proves it! I know personally what it's like! I grew up with all that guilt!" I shouted angrily. Kyle touched my shoulder and I huffed. I looked down at Liam. The room was silent but Liam trembled. You know what, I will take care of this boy! I will take him in because he is mine! No one else seems to care for him except me. "I will take him in. I will give him love, shelter, food, and care. Something he's been denied since the death of his parents!" With that I grabbed Liam and boosted him up. Carrying him out of that damn place. "Spencer?" He asked, his voice shaking. I stopped and looked at him, a frown taking over my angry face. Setting him down I grabbed his shoulders so I could look at him directly. "Liam. I'm sorry for everything. If you don't like the idea of being in my care I understand but I just want what's best for you." He nodded. "I do want to be with you it's just-" and I knew his next words so I cut him off. "Don't listen to those people from earlier. They're just scared and don't know how to react. They think that because there has been so many accidents involving you lately that it's your fault but that's not true. Okay? Because you are perfectly innocent. You just be you and don't worry about a thing, alright? It's going to be alright now I promise." He nodded and I picked him back up. "I promise." I whisper more to myself as reassurance. Where will he live? I haven't been home in a while and my family will exile me if I bring another kid like myself in. So the pack house it is. Unfortunately I just stormed out of that place and the meeting is still in session so I can't go back in. Hey I have my pride too! Seeing a bench I quickly walk over to it and sat down, hugging Liam dearly. I just want to give the best I can to this little kid. He's going through the same thing I did and I don't want him to be hurt by all of that! Sure what brought the shame and guilt on was different for both of us. I was born with a mostly human scent with a mix of wolf. While Liam's situation is more because he apparently has a vendetta against him. It has something to with the abusive uncle and hiring that wolf from the eastern pack. And when we went to the eastern pack the alpha did not tell us the truth about said attacker wolf. Something's fishy. Not to mention we were attacked on our way back from that pack meeting as well. Why did we get attacked? It's just all so weird. I need to figure out what's going on so I can protect Liam better. I may be getting over protective but it's just I can relate to his feelings and I want to give him the comfort and reassurance I never had. "Spencer." A stern voice stated. Looking up to see Kyle I blushed. His arms were crossed and he was looking at me sternly. I'm not going to lie I felt a bit excited to see him like that. Call me weird but I liked it. I smiled and stood up. I don't care that's he's mad at me right now I just sort of feel like cuddling. "Kyle-!" Before I could go any further he grabbed me and pulled me into the pack house. Entering his office he stopped. I put Liam down and noticed he was regarding Kyle warily. I laughed. "It's alright Liam. Why don't you go have a snack and I'll meet you after awhile, alright?" He stayed in his spot. I crouched down to him. "The alpha needs me for a second. I promise I'll be back with in a few minutes. Nothing bad will happen to you while I'm gone, I promise." He huffed. "I don't want him hurting you! Even if he is the alpha!" Liam spat. My eyes widened. When did he get the notion that Kyle was going to hurt me? I caressed Liam's face and smiled. "Hey, don't go getting all soft on me. I'm strong don't forget that. Besides Kyle won't hurt me, he's my mate." Liam's eyes widened. "Oh..." I giggled and stood up. "Go get a snack." I stated. He nodded and left, closing the door after himself. I turned to Kyle with a sigh. What did he want? "Kyle?" I questioned. He turned to me, his eyes burning with anger. I stepped back. Woah! What the-?! "Spencer what gives you the right to yell at everybody like that and then take it upon yourself to take in Liam?! You're barely out of high school!" He shouted. I gulped. Oh... So that's why he's mad... Clenching my hands I stepped forward. Why the hell is he so mad?! "You heard me back there! I went through the same thing! I was condemned with guilt and shame! I was plagued by it my whole life until I met you! So I wanted to stop that from happening to Liam! He's a good kid!" I yelled back in my defense. Kyle sighed and sat down in his chair, holding the bridge of his nose. "I just... You've become so attached to the kid. What if something happens to him? You'd blame yourself and never get over it." Kyle said softly. My eyes softened. He's so worried about me... Walking over to him I climbed up on his lap and hugged him. "Your right but I have to at least try. He has no one left Kyle. I can't let him live alone and unloved. I can't do that to a kid!" I stressed. Kyle sighed and leaned back in the chair. I pulled back and stared at him. "Please Kyle, please understand me. Please let me take in Liam." I pleaded, my voice barely over a whisper. Kyle closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath. "I'll most likely regret this but... Alright." I broke out into a huge smile and hugged him. "Oh thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love you so much!" Pulling back I kissed him on the lips. I went to pull away when Kyle wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me back into the kiss. "Don't forget about me, okay? I'm still your loving mate after all." He whispered. My heart stopped. He probably feels so neglected because all I've done is obsess over Liam. Deepening the kiss I put my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. "Mm!" I moaned as Kyle began to enter my mouth. I love the way he tastes! I love Kyle so much! More than anything in the world! I could feel my face instantly heat up, the blood rushing to my cheeks in an instant. Suddenly Kyle stood up, his hands grabbing me and pushing me against the desk. I cried out in pleasure. Our mouths worked in sync and soon our kiss was more than just heated. Sucking on lips and bitting teasingly we moaned into each other's mouth. Kyle's hands snaked down and grabbed my butt, toying with it as if to stimulate me further. I pulled away from the kiss to moan. "Kyle!" I panted out. He held back a moan of his own. "How is it you can get me so worked up?" He panted. I smirked back. I can't begin to say how much I love Kyle. "I love you Kyle." I whisper involuntarily. He smiled and then embraced me. His head fell to my shoulder and his arms hugged me so tight I thought I would suffocate. But I smiled because this was exactly what I wanted. It's funny though... He kind of reminds me of a little kid hugging their mom, wanting comfort and love. I really love this man. I want a family with him. I want to watch him raise our kids. I want to grow old together. Tears burned my eyes and I blinked them away. What if I can't start a life with him? No, Kyle told me to forget that. Wrapping my arms around Kyle we stood there, hugging each other. I was content to just be here with him. To be in his arms and feel his warmth. To smell his scent. I was happy to be loved. Suddenly Kyle groaned. "I'm being called for a meeting with the higher ups." He whispered unhappily. I frowned. The higher ups meant his parents (the past Luna and alpha) wanted to speak with him. Probably about what happened today. I didn't want him to leave so soon. I loved this moment and I wanted to stay in it forever. Sighing I pulled away. "Fine... But hurry back. I don't like when others get to be with you when I can't." I stated. He laughed and kissed my nose. "Spencer... You'll always be my number one. I love you." I smiled. "I love you too..." He smiled back and went for the door. "Kyle?" I asked as I walk toward him. He stops and turns back toward me. "What?" He replies. I bite my lip. "Um... Well..." Should I tell him that what Adam had said earlier at the pack meeting is starting to bother me again? No he's already so stressed. "Never mind." I smile as a cover up. He studies me a moment and then leaves. Liam comes in as soon as Kyle leaves. "Spencer?" He asks. I smile at him. "Yeah?" I respond, walking over to him so we could go to a guest room. "Since your the alphas mate does that make you Luna?" I laugh a little. "Yes. It certainly does. Why do you ask?" I question he shrugs his shoulder. "Shouldn't you go with the alpha to talk with his parents? I mean the Lina does a lot of important things. Right?" I paused. He's definitely right. I wonder why Kyle didn't take me? Maybe because he knew I needed to be here for Liam... "Well I guess your right but right now I need to be here with you." He smiled and grabbed my hand. I smiled back and walked him to his new room, it was right next to Kyle's. Tucking him in I left and went into Kyle's room. Changing out of my clothes I grabbed Kyle's shirt and slipped it on. Settling not down in bed I laid there and thought for a while before tiring myself out and closing my eyes. Just as I begin to drift off Kyle came in. My eyes open immediately and I watched as Kyle changed into his pajamas as well. Licking my lips I sat up. Damn he's sexy! "Hey babe." I greeted. He looked at me a bit shocked. "Oh your still up?" He questioned, climbing into bed with me. I shrugged and cuddled up next to him. It may seem as though we just met but being mates to someone allows you to have complete faith and trust in them. Kyle is my and only mate. I wouldn't ask for anyone else. His arm wrapped around me and he shit off the bedside lamp. Darkness enveloped us. Suddenly I had a thought. "Hey Kyle?" I asked. He hummed as his response. "Why do you think Liam was a target? I mean his uncle hired that eastern pack wolf to eliminate him and his parents but why? And why did the alpha lie to us about the attacker wolf? Not to mention how we've been attacked as well..." I say. Kyle doesn't say anything and for a moaning I think he's asleep but he wasn't. "Your right. It's very suspicious. I'll look more in to it. For now please sleep." I nodded and closed my eyes yet another thought occurred to me. "Kyle what did toe parents want?" J heard him sigh. "They want to wage war against the eastern pack." His voice hung j. The air like thick smoke. I held my breath. Wage war? "Are we ready for that? I mean we'd need to build up some numbers and rain like no tomorrow. Not to mention is there a reason to do this? I mean sure wee had our run ins but we don't know the true meaning behind it." I say. Kyle doesn't respond and I take it as a sign to shut up and go to sleep. Closing my eyes I lad my he's don Kyle's chest and closed my eyes. Wage war? That's a huge decision. Kyle... What do we do?

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