Chapter 6: Magna Reader Z.... Part Two

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  I woke up and carefully grabbed my laptop, Mizzy was still sleeping and I had about an hour before school started. I went online to talk to MagnaReaderZ again.
  I opened our chat and said, Hey.
  MangaReaderZ — I'll call him Z for now — quickly responded, How's your day? I am a slow typer.... mind if we call?
  I thought about and decided I could go to the closet. Good, I responded, we can call too.
  About a second later, I had the little beeping sound that always happened when I got a call on my phone. I ran to the closet and put in some headphones. Then, I hit Enter which would answer the call.
  "Hello.... I was thinking maybe we could get to know each other more now. After all, we only talked once.... the fact that we are calling each other this soon is odd." Z said. Man.... he sounds FAMILIAR. I can't tell who though, I thought.
"Hey! I know, right... it is odd that we are calling now," I said, kind of awkwardly. 
  "You sound familiar.... mind if I ask your name?" Z sounded even more familiar!
  "Uhmm... my name is Kira. Yours?" I still couldn't find out who he was!
  "I am Zack.... I know someone named Kira... she hates me!" Oh god! I thought, Zack?! Zack?! Ughh...
  "I'm the girl who hates you," I said it a bit rude... but whatever, "Hello Zack." I rolled my eyes, I almost hung up;but wanted to see where it went.
  Mizzy opened the closet, "Kira?! What are you doing? Who are you talking to?"
  I turned off my mic, "Zack. I didn't know it was him till literally just NOW!" I put on my headphones real quick and heard Zack rambling on a bit. I turned my mic back on and said, "Shut up for a second!" I turned my mic back off.
  Mizzy jumped up and down, "This is destiny! I know it is!"
  "What do you mean," I looked back over my shoulder, Zack was trying to do a video call. I meant to not hit enter.... but I did. I quickly hung up and me and Mizzy were left alone.
  "I MEAN, this is the beginning of a story!"
  I looked at her with wide eyes, "Your crazy!"
  "No I'm not, you just don't want to admit I'm right!" Mizzy through her hands in the air.
  My mom came through the door, "Everything okay in here?"
  "Yep. You can-" I was cut off by Mizzy.
  Mizzy jumped up and down, "Your daughter has a destiny with a GUY!"
  My mom laughed and raised an eyebrow, "Who's this, Kira?"
  I rolled my eyes, "No one. Mizzy's just crazy."
  "No I'm not!" she nudged me.
  My mom chuckled, "Okay girls, get ready. I have all your extra stuff since your over so much."
  We got ready for school, then headed. Mizzy kept rambling on about Zack on the way there. Man, I wasn't excited to see Zack today.... that's for sure.

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