Chapter 5: Friends Tell Eachother Things

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  I groaned as I pushed myself up, The first day of school. Great, just great, I thought.
   I went downstairs to get breakfast to see a yogurt parfait with a note. The note read:
I went off to work, this is for you! Have a good first day!
  I smiled, moms could be so loving, but they are moms. I ate the yogurt parfait (it tasted awesome), then got ready for school. Me and Mizzy has already planned nights before to walk to school together.
I met Mizzy by the same Stop Sign as always. "Hey, girl!" I heard Mizzy's voice and jumped up to hug her.
"I missed you!"
"I missed you too," she hugged me back and we started to walk to school.
As we walked I spotted someone familiar. A boy? Zack? I pointed and gasped, clutching Mizzy's arm.
"What's wrong with you?" Mizzy chuckled a bit, and looked over to Zack. Her eyes widened, "What's wrong with him?"
I stammered, "I-I know him!"
"Your point is?" Mizzy voice sounded a bit annoyed.
"Just.... n-never mind. Let's go."
We continued walking in silence, a few words here and there. By the time we got to school Mizzy and I had to split up. We both went to home room and on the way there I was lost in thought, looking down. I turned a corner and felt as I smashed heads with someone.  I rubbed my head, "Ouch! Watch where your-"
"Kira? Is that correct?" Zack's face revealed and I rolled my eyes.
  "Darn you!" I muttered and stormed off to class.
  I soon realized that Zack was following me, "What are you doing? Go to class."
  Zack looked up and sighed, "I am."
  "Then why are you following me?!" I was getting quite annoyed by now.
  "Which class is yours?" he questioned me.
  "Room 308," I said this in quite a snobby, annoyed way. I didn't feel bad about it though.
  "Oh great...." Zack muttered, "That's my class too."
  "Just don't bother me and you'll come out alive," by now anything that I liked about him was suddenly gone. Sure, he was incredibly handsome, but didn't know how to apologize! I stormed off, and didn't talk to Zack again that day.

I stared at the clock for most of the day — I wasn't that fond of school. By the time the bell had rung I had already been ready to jump out of my seat... so I did. The teacher gave me a cold stare and I sat back down awkwardly. He handed out the HomeWork then dismissed us. Just maybe, I could wait to be dismissed for once.
  After he dismissed the class, I ran to the front door and found Mizzy... standing there.... waiting for me.
  "What took you so long?!" she said it jokingly and shoved me playfully. "Annnd someone told me that you are NOT getting along with Zack... on the first day of school! Congratulations Kira, congratulations."
  "He knocked into me, then started following me. God, he is so annoying," I rolled my eyes.
I walked home with Mizzy and we hung out that night. Mizzy was in a relationship with a dude named Damon, I had never been in a relationship so I always like asking about him. "How are things with Damon."
  "Well this is awkward she muttered," then she rose her voice, "Umm... he cheated on me," her voice cracked, "with Faye."  She broke into tears.
  "I hate Faye," I muttered then hugged my friend. "I am so sorry. He was never good enough for you anyways." I sighed,  "Your mom doesn't know, does she?" Mizzy never had a good relationship with her mom. Dad? Yes, he was always on trips and her brother was apparently friends with Zack. Honestly, my mom was like Mizzy's.
  Then my mom broke in. She saw Mizzy crying the ran over and hugged her, "What wrong, sweetie?"
  I answered instead, "Damon.... you know."
  My mom nodded, and kept hugging Mizzy, "I am so sorry," she smiled, "I never trusted him." My mom got up, "You can stay Mizzy..." she rolled her eyes, "I doubt your mom will even care."
  That night I comforted Mizzy all night, we didn't get much sleep; it was worth it. Eventually, Mizzy took a deep breath and stopped crying. She started going on about Zack and the first day of school. Apparently she saw something in Zack.... that would be directed to a story with me and Zack. Of course I denied her crazy scenario.

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