Chapter 3

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I practically kicked down the door. "Mom! Why did you send me so many messages?!"
"I came home early and was worried that you were stolen!" she laughed sarcastically.
I rolled my eyes, "Seriously, why?"
"I needed you to come home," she looked down at a text message, "Do you want Mizzy to come over?"
Mizzy has been my friend for years, and she still is, "Why would I say no?"
My mom nodded as if she was thinking, "Good point." Mom quickly typed a few words. "She is officially coming over." Her face straightened, "Go clean your room."
I rolled my eyes, "Already did it."
She looked up thoughtfully, "Go away then."
I smiled, "Would be happy to!"
My mom laughed and jokingly shooed me away.

A few hours later, the doorbell rang. I raced down the stairs but my mom had already open the door. Although, it wasn't Mizzy. It was... Zack? I faintly heard him talking to my mom, and saw him hold out a book. I slowly backed away. I crept up the stairs and heard my mom yell, "Kria? This young man has your book!"
   I rolled my eyes and mumbled, "Coming."
     I went up to Zack- gave a slight smile and took the book.
      My mom watched us, "Do you two know each other?"
    We both shook our heads, "No we don't," said Zack.
   I tried not to laugh, and lifted my head, "I pretty much just SAW him... Za- he is very kind of bringing my book!"
  My mom nodded, "You two should get to know each other. Probably going to the same school!," she looked towards Zack, "My name is Zack Sunning."
  My mom nodded, "Thank you for bringing Kria's book," she gestured towards me, and lowered her voice, "It's one of her favorites."
   I rolled my eyes, "Bye, thank you!"He waved goodbye, and I shut the door pretty much on his face. Just maybe, I wouldn't get embarrassed like that with ZACK!

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