Chapter 4: MagnaReaderZ

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ZACK? Why the heck would I be embarrassed with Zack? I shook my head - Forgetting those thoughts. I rushed to my room to read some online Manga. It was always so stress-relieving... plus it was one of my addictions.
I sat over in my chair that was paired with a wooden desk on the opposite side of the room, well from where the bed laid. Opening my computer and going to the site where I read my manga, I looked to the left, top corner of my screen. It read, "New Messages: 1". This was very unlikely for me to have a message - So I just assumed that it was from the creator of the website with a new update announcement. I clicked into the messages, surprisingly it said "Chat Invite From MagnaReaderZ". I opened up the chat window and I typed Who is this? I got those three little dots of suspense for a bit but EVENTUALLY MagnaReaderZ responded, I am MagnaReaderZ, obviously. I saw you MagnaLoverK and I'm new to this..... so I guess I just needed someone to chat with...? I raised an eyebrow - something seemed "sketchy" 'bout this guy. Oh.... well I came here just read Manga. Sooo.... I responded. Again, three dots of suspense, Sorry to bother you. I rolled my eyes, Your fine.... I am gonna read some Manga, guess we can talk later.
I started to read my favorite Manga, and eventually I got tired and went to sleep.

The next day, I woke up with a huge smile.... oh great. It's Monday. As soon as I realized it was Monday that smile was smacked off my face right away.
"Come eat your breakfast Kira!" my mom hollered from most likely the kitchen. I walked towards the stairs, then jogged down the stairs.
"Sure is a morning exercise," I muttered then laughed softly.
I sat on the stool and my mom slid a bowl to me, "It's something special today," she said with a smirk.
"Oh really, what?" I asked- reading an eyebrow.
"Mother's Day, how could you forget?" she laughed and nudged me softly.
Just if I could forget this today. Yes I hadn't forgotten. I will always remember the day my brother left us. I smiled a fake smile. "Silly me!"
She her smile faded quickly and it turned to a frown. "Kria, I know how bad it hurts, I miss him too. You just have to accept the fact."
I didn't respond and ate my breakfast, not very happy. The vibes of this day didn't seem good.

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