"you should have listened to me and gotten stitches," I grumble. He shrugs. I turn to my bag and look through my side pocket which was like a mini first aid kit.

I always had to be prepared for anything during softball. It was bad enough we didn't have a coach. I couldn't let an injury draw attention to our lack of supervision. I pull out a few similar band aids I used before.

"What are you a doctor?"

"no but my mother is and she doesn't let me leave the house without being prepared," I rip open the band aid.

"Well I guess that's good for me,"

"Yeah cause your an idiot," I stick the band aids over the cut and toss the wrappers in my locker. "By the way, thanks for the other day," he shrugs.

"No problem. Just don't be running into anymore allies because I might not be there to save your ass,"

"Thanks for the tip," I get my things together and shut my locker.

"Where ya headin?" I stare up at him for a second, skeptical on his behavior.

"What?" he questions. I start walking slowly away and he follows.

"Where's the real Adam because you must be his nicer twin," he smirks and messes up his hair by running his fingers through it.

"Guess I'm just in a good mood,"

"Oh god the world must be coming to an end. Adam Harper is in a good mood," he chuckles as we near my class.

"tell me again why you take this class still?" I shrug.

"It looks good on college resumes and future job applications,"

"Well don't you just have it all figured out," he teases. I roll my eyes,

"so I'll see you in lab right?" he nods,

"yeah I suppose,"

"Okay see ya," I slip into class in the middle of Mrs. Cummings lecture on verbs in the past tense. She stops and looks at me.

"Well Ms. Lyle how nice of you to join us, do you have a pass?" her arrogance and sarcasm glimmered in her hard eyes. I glared back at her.

"Does it look like I have a pass?"

"Don't use that tone with me," she snaps. I roll my eyes, "I saw that,"

"Good," I mumble.

"That's it young lady. Go to the office I won't have you disrupting my class," I grab my things,

"Gladly," I say before leaving as soon as I arrived.

The office was only a few doors down from the classroom. I walked into the cool room with a smug look on my face. Dim music played from a speaker on an empty desk. I glanced at the receptionist at the front desk who was on the phone.

"Yes she just arrived I'll send her in," the lady says. She hangs up the phone and looks at me through her thick glasses that slide to the end of her nose. "Mr. Henson will see you now," she informs me before taking her attention to her computer screen.

I walked towards the door at the back of the main office that led me towards the principles office. A young man who had to be in his mid twenties with thin brown hair and sharp facial features. Some would say he had a look of charm about him but his so called 'charm' masked his arrogance.

I shut the door behind me and he looks up from the papers he was inspecting. "Ahh Elliot Lyle. Now there's a pretty face I don't in here everyday," he says throwing me his perfect smile. I raise an eyebrow at him and stay silent.

"So I hear were having a little attitude problem in Mrs. Cummings class,"

"Yeah but you know I really think she's the one whose had an attitude. Very sarcastic and snooty,"

"I see so what do you propose I do? Fire her?"

"That'd be wonderful thanks," he chuckles.

"Well I see the attitude she's been talking about. Not good. You should probably work on that,"

"What would you recommend? Attitude classes? Oh wait I remember hearing about a group. Yeah there was a number I believe it was 1-800-DON'T GIVE A FU..."

"Okay," he cuts me off. "Lets tone it down a bit here. Now we could sit here and go round and round about this but I'm sure you don't want to sit here all day,"

I look up thoughtfully, "Actually you know, sitting here bickering about petty shit seems nice," I prop my feet up on the corner of his desk and put my arms behind my head. He takes a moment to glare at my feet.

"Or you could spend the day in in school suspension. Now how does that sound?" he says with a smirk.

"a day of peace and quiet and no classes to rush to. Sounds perfect,"

"Ms. Lyle I would stop while your ahead before I start to threat more personal pleasures," he says with a cocky smirk. I glare at him, "you wouldn't like it very much if the softball was suddenly cut now would you. Or gosh, what would happen if your brother was suddenly kicked off the track team?"

"Those are some pretty big threats over a little attitude problem," I point out.

"I have no tolerance for attitudes like yours Miss. Lyle. When your a principle of a school such as this you have to wash your hands of a pesky habit before it becomes a big problem," the bell rings in our moment of silence.

"Let this be your warning Miss. Lyle, if I see you in here again you will not like the consequences," he warns. I glare at him for a few more moments before standing up and walking out.

"Asshole," I mumble under my breathe as I walked out of the office.

"Elliot!" I hear Phoenix's familiar voice call after me. I take a moment to let her catch up before continuing to walk.

"Hey, where were you this morning?"

"Maxen and I came in late,"

"He still mad?"

"Yeah he's been being and ass ever since I told him," I grumble. She nods,

"Guess whose in school today," she says with a smile.

"I already know.he walked me in this morning," her eyes widen.

"He did!?"

"Yeah and he was nice about it too. We just carried on a normal conversation, it was weird but...amusing," I recalled my earlier conversation with Adam. I think it was the first conversation we had ever had that didn't contain insults and annoying comments. It was the first real conversation we've ever had and surprisingly I enjoyed it.

"Wow that's so weird. I mean you two are well known enemies throughout the whole school. If you guys become friends that'll just be freaky," I shrug, she did have a point there. I entertained the thought of a possible friendship, but it all just seemed to clique. Enemies turned friends. Adam and I are like two puzzle pieces that don't fit. We weren't put on Earth to be friends.

We walked with the crowd up towards our locker bay. The bell would be ringing soon and I couldn't afford to get in trouble again. I'm hoping that Maxen won't be stupid and say anything stupid to Adam, but knowing Adam he'll be the one to make the comment.

But of course hoping for boys to be mature is like hoping for rain in the desert. It doesn't happen.


Sorry this chapter is kinda short, but enjoy.

Song: Closer by, Ne-Yo

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