chapter one

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'Bella' someone called her name, as she stepped out of her car

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

'Bella' someone called her name, as she stepped out of her car.

Bella Santiago turned around to see Alex Standall crouching over his can. She smiled at him sympathetically.

'You're back' he smiled from what seemed ear- to -ear, when he saw his best friend of 3 years, 'I can't believe you're back'

'Yeah me either' Bella commented, 'I mean I had to come back eventually'

Alex nodded. I mean he was back and he went through something extremely awful, so why wouldn't Bella Santiago come back to Liberty High? Well there were many reasons why she wanted to avoid the pitiful black hole forever, but just like any another teenager, she needed to graduate.

'Look who we have' Zach Dempsey smiled when he saw Bella too. She was lucky to have that effect on people.

'Hey Zach' she smiled widely as she gave the giant a hug, 'I forgot how tall you were'

'Yeah I forgot how short you were' Zach joked as she rolled her eyes playfully, 'I'm glad you're back'

'Couldn't agree more' Alex said as he struggled to get up the school steps, 'I'm sick of having no one to talk to at this shit hole'

'What am I?' Zach asked

'You know what I mean' Alex reassured him

'Does Jess know you're back?' Zach smiled as Bella shook her head

'I wanted to keep it a surprise' Bella smiled

Zach smiled as he understood how long overdue 'The Twins' were to come back together. The Twins was something Alex came up with as Bella and Jessica never left each other sides, after Hannah's passing. Bella was there for Jessica Davis. And Jessica was there for Bella Santiago.

'Happy birthday by the way' Bella said to Alex as he just laughed pathetically

'Thanks Belle' Alex laughed

Belle was her nickname that not many people called her. Only three people would call her Belle and one of them she didn't speak to anymore.

'Have you seen...' begun Zach but Alex gave him a dark stare

'Seen who?' Bella asked but she kinda knew who he was talking about.

She wished he wouldn't bring it up.

'Nevermind' Zach said with a forced smile toward Alex

Bella turned to her best friend and raised an eyebrow, but Alex wasn't joking.

'Bella you know what's been happening since you were gone right?' he asked

'Yeah some of it' Bella said, 'Clay and Jess kept me in the loop'

'So, you know that Hannah's case is going to trial?' Alex asked as Bella nodded

'Yeah I haven't been asked to testify though' Bella said as they both nodded

There was no reason for Bella to testify. She didn't have her own tape, but she was on them. Everyone was.

'They asked me' Zach exclaimed, 'I don't even want to think about it'

'Then don't' Alex huffed as they arrived at his locker, 'I don't even get to testify, the doctor won't let me'

'I mean you don't remember much Alex' Zach explained like Alex didn't know that he couldn't remember the past couple of months, 'You should be happy, you don't have to face those lawyers'

'I agree with Zach' Bella said as Alex looked at her for help or encouragement, she didn't know.

'No fucking way' a voice called behind them, 'Bella you're back'

Bella turned around to face Jessica with a huge smile on her face. Bella basically ran over to her best friend and pulling her into a tight hug.

'Oh my god' Bella cried, 'I missed you'

'I missed you like crazy' Jessica said as she pulled away

Bella noticed the sudden tears form in her friend's eyes. Did she miss her that much? She wasn't gone for long, but it did feel like a million years.

'I can't believe you're back' Jessica said with a smile, 'I'm so happy to see you in person'

Bella only laughed and said, 'I'm back now. We don't have to Skype or call for hours anymore'

Jessica looked so thankful that she had her best friend back at school. Zach and Alex stood back and smiled at their reunion. They both knew how much both girls had gone through because of this toxic school and their baseball team.

Jessica started to talk about what school had been like since she got back. Even though, it had only been a week and a bit, Jessica was waiting for her best friend to arrive. Probably why she didn't rip off Chloe's head.

' Chloe is with Bryce?' Bella exclaimed with disgust, 'As if she doesn't know'

Jessica just shrugged her shoulders, 'I don't even want to think about how he treats her'

Jessica never liked talking about what happened to her that night, but with Bella, it was okay. She felt safe with Bella, and that was a lot to say considering the school's rumour mill.

'I've seen Scott' Jessica said rather quietly, 'He still looks like the asshole he was before'

Bella's heart jumped through her chest, when his name was even mentioned. She knew she shouldn't feel this way, considering he was one of the reasons why she had to go away.

'I bet' Bella said trying not to show how fast her heart was racing in her chest

But just like Jessica, Bella felt safe with Jess and knew she didn't mean to make her nervous or uncomfortable because of Scott Reed.

Alex and Zach stood behind the two girls and understood that Jessica could ask these kind of questions, unlike Zach who wanted to mention it.

'It's okay' Bella turned to her three friends, 'I knew he was here. It's not like I didn't know I would see him around'

'Yeah I know' Jessica said as she linked her arm up with Bella's

Bella smiled as they walked toward the cafeteria.

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