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An endless dark void, that's what I wake up to. I'm laying on a cold, hard floor, which feels like metal. I have no idea where I am or what's happening. I don't even know who I am. Panic starts to run through my veins when all of the sudden dim lights fill the room I'm in.

I can see it's not even a room, it's some kind of box. I decide to stand up and wander around in the small space, the panic leaving for curiosity, but as soon as I stand up the space starts moving. With surprise, I fall to the ground. Panic returns back but I try to stay as calm as possible, I know that if I start to panic now I'll only lose energy. So, I start to look around once again. The dim lights go all the way up so I can see a little bit. I can't see where up is though, it's just a black hole.

I don't understand how this is possible. My mind is working just fine, I can see around me and I know what the objects in front of me are. Knowledge floods my mind, facts and images, memories and details on how the world works, on what it's supposed to look like. Trees form in my mind, a blue sky, a half-eaten pizza, the moon, the sun. And yet I don't know where I come from or how I ended up in this Box. Images of people flash across my mind but non of them are clear. Except one. A boy around the age of seventeen. His hair a sand blonde colour, chopped into uneven pieces, his eyes a dark brown. Slender and tall he forms into my mind like a perfect picture, but I cannot for the life of me remember his name, remember any conversations we might have had or remember who this person is, at all.

The box starts to speed up and I get dizzy. Against the wishes of my stomach, I get up once again. This time not letting gravity pull me down. I inspect some of the crates that are stocked in the Box. Because of the dim lights, I can't see what's in the crates. I can only see some vague letters on the side of the crates.

Suddenly the Box stops, and I'm launched to the ground once again. My back hits one of the crates and all the air gets sucked out of my lungs.
While I'm gasping for air the Box starts to slow down and after I can breathe properly, it stops.

Are they going to let me out?

What if they are going to do something horrible?

Whoever 'they' might be, I don't get a really good feeling about them. I decide to hide behind some crates and there I can wait and see what happens.

Through the crates, I can see that some doors above the Box go open and bright light streams into the Box. I'm blinded for a little while, but my eyes adjust quickly to the bright light. Above me, I see a clear blue sky, with not even one cloud, and the sun is glowing bright. I see a few silhouettes and one of them jumps into the Box.

I almost gasp, giving away my hiding spot. The one thing, or rather person, that I can remember and he's standing right there! He looks older and more matured then in my memory. He wears brown pants, running shoes and an off-white shirt which is very, very dirty. He looks so familiar but still I can't remember where I've seen him before. He has a confused look on his face, and he keeps looking around.

"Where the bloody hell is the Newbie?" He asks to someone above him. The boy in the Box has a funny accent. I wonder if I have an accent, and he said 'Bloody' which I think is a funny word. I don't know what it means but I feel like I've heard it before.

Anyway, the boy is still looking around, probably for me. Then he looks my way. I duck but I hear him walking towards me. I look around. But there's no escape, the only thing I can do is come out of my hiding place. Which I don't want to do because I still have no idea who these people are or where I am. The boy appears in the opening of my hideout. He looks shocked. I don't know why, and I certainly don't intend on asking. From up close he looks even more familiar, but I can't put my finger on who he is.

A WICKED story (A Maze Runner Fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now