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A little over a week has passed and I'm almost finished with the job rotation. So far I've been with the Track-Hoes, the Builders, the Cooks, the Slicers, the Bricknicks, and the Baggers. I've found out that not everyone has just one job. Most of the guys help out where needed most and most jobs intertwine with one another. Like the Builders and the Bricknicks.

I have gotten to know the guys better as well and although I have to say I enjoy one job more than another -being a Slicer was fine but only for a day- so far I get along with everyone fine. Of course I am more drawn to some people then other, like Newt and Gally, who will only call me "Lu" so he can piss me off. I've also surprisingly made a friend in Dan, the Runner who can't stop complaining how hard it is to be running all day. Although he gets more days off than the most of us.

I have also seen changes in myself. I'm getting stronger and faster, every morning before anyone is awake I go to the woods to build on my fitness. And although it has only been a week I've already improved. My body is getting adjusted to my new surroundings and I'm slowly putting on a bit more weight. The wounds on my back have gone from open and bleeding to beginning to scar. Jeff says that they will never be fully gone but I'm okay with that. They're a reminder of all the questions I have and why I must push myself so hard.

Today is the last round in my rotation and I'm with the Sloppers. It's a job no one wants but I don't get why. Sid, the Keeper, is a friendly dude although he does keep tripping over his own feet, which I find hilarious. And the work is not terrible. I have to clean the kitchen and the showers today but I actually kind of like the work. The showers aren't disgustingly dirty and the kitchen only has remains from breakfast and lunch laying around. I'm done sooner then Sid anticipated and when I ask what else I can do he just shakes his head. "You're already done for the day Greenbean. Can't let you take over the jobs of the other guys, they need to pick up some slack. I suggest you just rest before the Gathering tonight." I thank him and take a walk towards the forest. The Gathering. I'm excited as well as anxious. Tonight the Keepers will declare if they want me on their teams and even though Zart said he would recommend me, I have no idea how the other Keepers feel. I try not to think about it too much and when I see Dan lounging at the edge of the forest it's an easy choice to join him.

Laying in the shadow of a big tree, Dan has closed his eyes for what I presume is a nap. I kick his feet and he shoots up in alarm. "Ha, ha, very funny Lucy," he remarks before laying back down with his arms underneath his head. "Did I interrupt your beauty sleep?" I smirk at him before he closes his eyes. "You know I spend all of yesterday running around do you really have to annoy me today? Aren't there some chores you have to do or something?"

"Nah, Sid said I'm done and should get some rest before that bloody meeting," I sit down next to Dan and hug my knees. "You anxious?" He asks while propping himself up on his elbow so he can look at me. "A lil', I mostly hope they'll take me seriously. I haven't told anyone besides you that I want to be a Runner, what if they stick me with the Slicers or something?" Dan makes a face. I know he fainted on his rotation with the Slicers which almost made him not being considered for the position of Runner. "They'll be crazy not to and from the rumours I've heard you've done well at everything so far. As long as you kept training like I told you they'll at least let you try out. You've only been here a week but by now everyone knows you're one determent Shank." I laugh at him but consider his words. I hope that what he said is true, I know I have a chance. I don't know what I would do if I got stuck with a normal position while the Runners are out looking for answers. This past week I've been kept busy but the questions keep nagging at me and the only way to find answers is to go into the Maze.

I absentmindedly scan around the Glade. It's a hot day so most of the boys are wearing tank-tops or t-shirts. A line is forming near the kitchen where Frypan is handing out water to everyone. "Lookin' for someone hmmm?" I hear Dan say next to me. Immediately my cheeks start to heat up. "No! I'm just bored!"

A WICKED story (A Maze Runner Fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now