"Nothing." Brittany says as she lay back down

"Two waffles. That's all."


"Yes, Britt," I stand up and take the empty cup that's sitting on her nightstand, "Just eat these two waffles." I run out before Brittany can go against me. I put two waffles into the toaster and pour Brittany another cup of orange juice.

Brittany opens her eyes when she hears walk into her room and she groans, "I said I don't want anything."

"But you need to eat." I say as I set the cup down. Brittany flips onto her other side, so that her back is facing me, "Brittany, stop being a baby and eat these damn waffles."

"Stop yelling at me." Brittany lets out a cough that sounds like nails against a chalk board

I take a deep breath and look at Brittany, "Please just eat the waffles. It'll make me feels so much better."

Brittany sits up and leans her back against her headboard. She takes the plate of waffles out of my hands and sits them down on her lap. She looks up at me and then quickly looks back down.

"Are you crying?" I ask and she wipes her eyes, "Britt, why are you crying?"

Brittany looks up at me and I see a few tears running down her face, "I don't feel good and you keep yelling at me which only makes me and my head feel worse. And I just want to sleep and you won't let me because your forcing me to eat."

I try my hardest not to laugh. I bite down on my cheek and look down at my lap. Brittany does this too. She cries a lot and the three year old inside of her comes out. Sometimes it's cute and sometimes it makes you wanna strangle her.

"Okay," I say as I wipe her tears away, "Your right, but I need you to eat these two waffles. You can't keep taking that medicine on an empty stomach."

After that, Brittany stayed in her room and slept, only waking up to take medicine or drink juice, but after complaining to me for five minutes about her headache she fell asleep on the couch while I studied for my finals.

Brittany gets into a really bad coughing fit, so I get up to check on her. She laying on the couch with two blankets over her a hood over her head. She rubs her eyes and yawns. Just as I sit down on the edge of the couch the alarm for her to take her medicine goes off. She rolls her eyes as I open the bottle and fill the spoons.

"There's some frozen grapes and blueberries in the fridge." Brittany says with a hoarse voice, "Can you bring me some in a bowl?"

I nod my head and go into the freezer to pull out the two bags of frozen fruits, dumping a little bit of both into a plastic cup.

I hand Brittany the cup and sit in the club chair again, and Brittany brings herself and one of the blankets over to me. I cradle her, supporting her head with my shoulder. I can feel the heat radiating off of her body and when I lay my cheek on her forehead it feels even hotter.

It takes Brittany a whole episode of One Tree Hill to finish the bowl because she sucked on every single grape on blueberry, letting them unfreeze in her mouth.

"Don't throw up this time." I say as she reaches her arm out to place the bowl down on the coffee table. Brittany groans as she pushes more of herself into me, now her forehead is pressed against my chest. I start to rub her back and her breathing slows down and soon I hear light snores escape her.

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