"I want to make an important call. My mobile is charging ma" I told her

"As soon as u open ur eyes u look for mobile. Always roaming with ur mobile. " My ma started shouting

It doesn't affect me.. I will hear those words daily😜😜😜😜

"Pa give ur mobile please its urgent" I asked him

"If that much urgent u could have used Landline na" He told

"That J forgot pa. Now give me soon please" I told him and he gave his mobile.

Conversation as

A- hello uncle, how r u....

Me- I am fine Arjun(laughing)

A-  Situ, u naughty tease😋😋

Me- Arjunnnn if not me, then who will tease u..

A- ok fine how is ur cheek Situ

Me- it still hurts Arjun...

A- then get ready. I will take u to Sanjay.. u can get an injection for reducing pain na..

Me- I am fine Arjun.. I was kidding...

A- I know , I know( laughing)

Me- Arjun I will call u back afterwards.

A- Ok Situ bye babe..

"Situ still what r u doing" my ma yelled

"Coming ma" I yelled back and went to dinning table...

"Ma why no tea.. straight breakfast"  I asked her

"Mmm tea is for those who get up early in morning... Situ eat soon without asking questions. We need to go to ur grandpa house" my ma told..

"Hey jolly perima(means mother's elder sister) and anna (elder brother) are still there in grandma house" I asked enthusiastically..

"No Situ, not there.. this grandpa house" pa told little bit irritated.

"Whyyyyyyy" I yelled

"Situ we know how u feel.. don't worry.. we r going to finish everything today"  pa told..

"Hmm I will get ready" I told and went to my room..

I called Arjun..

"Situ" he called.

"Arjun listen to me. We r going to Pa's father house. I don't know what there r going to do.. but pa told me that problem will be solved today" I told him.

"If it is solved. Then u should be happy na. But ur voice is tensed baby why" He asked

"I don't know Arjun.. there will be Vidyan... I don't like seeing him.. he.... Uh... Leave it.. Arjunnnnnn" I told him

"Situ listen to me.. baby, u r mine...I am all yours.. " Arjun told

"Arjun will u leave me?? " I asked him

"Situ I told u yesterday itself. According to others we r just engaged. But according to me we r married... the ring in ur hand with my name says that and the ring in mine tells that I am yours. I will never ever leave you dear."  Arjun told me.

"Thank you Arjun.. I miss you so much" I told

"Miss you my wife" Arjun told smirking..

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