Three//Just A Little Girl

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PONYBOY AND I walked to his house, my hand in his. For the first time in my life, I felt actually happy. Not the kind of happy I got when I received an A on a test, not the kind of happy I got when Soda first told me about Sandy, but a different kind of happy. The kind of happy Dallas doesn't want me to feel. The kind of happy that makes people's stomachs turn. And I hoped Ponyboy felt the same way.

When we walked inside, we saw what anyone would see when they walked into the Curtis house; lamps being knocked over, the radio turned on full blast, people yelling, Two-Bit cussing, Soda and Steve arm wrestling, and Darry doing push-ups by the couch shirtless. It wasn't something abnornal. They were just getting ready for the rumble. Nothing strange. Plus, Darry looks good shirtless (I would never say that out loud).

"Hey, Pony and Amelia are holdin' hands!" Two-Bit shouted out loud for anyone to hear. And they did. Everyone looked at us so quickly, I wasn't sure whose head turned first. But everyone was looking at us and Soda was the one to leave.

"So, Pony's got a girl, huh? That was quick. Never thought that this-" Steve looked us up and down "-would happen. Dally wouldn't have let this happen. Heck, if he was here, he would throw you to a bunch of dogs and say, 'Have at it!'"

"Well, actually, we haven't made it official yet," I said. Ponyboy wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me to him.

"Well, then make it official!" Two-Bit said. I felt Pony let go of my waist and I looked to see him on one knee. I smiled and blushed, looking into his eyes.

"Amelia, darlin', would you be my girl?" Ponyboy asked. I nodded. He jumped up and hugged me, twirling me around after picking me up from the ground. Everyone clapped for us.

"Young love. Makes me sick," Steve joked. I laughed as Pony set me down. He kissed my cheek. Darry made his way over to us and I honestly thought he was going to strangle me, Ponyboy, or both of us-but, the look in his eyes said different.

"Now, young man," Darry said smiling, "she isn't like any other girl. This is a Winston. Dallas is going to have eyes everywhere on you alone. This girl that you've got here is pure and she is going to stay that way. No PDA, no sleepovers in your room, and for goodness sakes, be a gentleman. We've got to make real good with Dally and he's got to do the same with us. Amelia, does your brother know about this?"

"He knows I like your brother," I said. Darry nodded and smiled. He put his big hands on my shoulders.

"Now, when I set these guidlines, I'm not trying to say that I don't trust you. But this kid is a teenage boy. Teenage boys have certain urges, if you know what I mean. I'm trying to make sure you keep your good reputation, that's all. Nothing against you," Darry reasoned. I nodded and smiled back.

"I know, Darry. Plus, nothing is going to hurt my reputation. I won't allow anything to happen. If kissing a boy is the only thing someone can say about me, then Dally and I must be doing something right," I said. Darry chuckled and nodded. He turned to his brother and hugged him.

"You're getting to be a man, kiddo. I guess you're not so much of a kiddo anymore, though," Darry said. Ponyboy nodded. "I'm proud of you, little man."

I knew that just those six words were the most to Ponyboy. He'd always wanted Darry to say them. Now, he has. He smiled at his big brother and pulled him in for another hug.

Dally's Baby Sister//Ponyboy CurtisWhere stories live. Discover now