Two//Promises to Keep

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JOHNNY'S BLACK EYES lit up and he smiled wide. "Really? You would do that? You would kiss me?"

I nodded. "I would."

He seemed to struggle a bit, trying to move. He gave up and stopped moving. "Hold my hand?"

I smiled and brought my hand up to his, lacing our fingers together. It felt strange to hold his hand. It didn't feel the same. The skin, I mean, didn't feel the same.

"Amelia, if I get out of here, I have to live somewhere else. My parents won't care for me. I know you would. I know Pony, Soda, and Darry would," he said. I immediately thought of Johnny's parents. I hate them. I hate them so much. Ever since I've met them, I've hated them. They don't deserve Johnny. Nobody deserves Johnny. Johnny's too pure for this world, too innocent.

"They won't be able to see you, anyways. I won't let them. They don't deserve your attention, Johnny, and I would be glad to let you live with Dally and I in our house. Maybe you could live with Two-Bit. His mother is a doll, she would love to have another boy to love and to hold. You deserve so much better, Johnny," I said, tears welling up in my eyes. Don't you cry, I thought. You'll scare him.

"Amelia, it's okay if you cry. It won't hurt to," he said. I shook my head.

"No, I'm fine," I said. "You're getting out of here, Johnny. You're getting out."

"Amelia, I just want you to know that you've always been why I've pushed to be strong like Ponyboy. I've seen the way you look at him, and it broke my heart. But, I always knew that your heart belongs to him. When you get out of here, ask him to be yours. Hold him close. Do everything I should've done with you. I want you to be happy," he said. I leaned down and kissed the back of his head.

"Johnnycake..." I said, trailing off at his nickname. He chuckled.

"It's okay. I'm better off gone, anyway," he said. It's true. He is better off dead. His parents won't care about him, and I don't love him as much as he loves me. I couldn't give him what he'd always wanted to give to me.

A nurse walked in. "Johnny," she said, "it's time to go to sleep."

I let go of Johnny's hand and gave him one last kiss on the back of his head. Before I left, I heard him say, "I love you, beautiful."

"I love you too, Johnnycakes," I said, chuckling bitterly.

I made my way to Dally's room. I have to tell him what happened in Johnny's room and how he feels about me. I made it to Dally's door and knocked quietly.

"Dally? It's Amelia," I said. I heard loud and quick footsteps on the floor and the door flung open. I saw my older brother, looking down at me as if he saw the world for the first time after going blind.

He drew me in for a quick bear hug before closing the door. "Dear God, I thought you'd never visit. I've been stuck in this room all night and they won't let me out."

I chuckled as he laid back down on his bed. "Dally, I have to tell you something."

"Pull up a seat while you do, kiddo. You look tired. Don't want ya passin' out on me. That'd make both of the Winston kids in the damn hospital," he said, pointing to a wooden chair in the corner of the room. I sighed as I picked it up and set it down gently. My breath was still a little shaky after what Johnny told me. "What happened? Is everything okay?"

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