1. O.O

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As usual, Jung Hoseok tiredly walks back to the dorm. This Kore National University of Arts is no joke. After a hard working day, his body starts to tremble.

Hoseok is irritated, why did he even sign up for this place in the first place? Tough lessons and annoying teacher assistant, what a great combo. It's not that he's a bad dancer,in fact, he's actually one of the most talented, most loved by the instructors. The thing that is bugging him was those dirty looks that the TA shot at him. Hoseok swears with God, if those glares can kill, he would've been dead by now. What's with that hot head? Jealous much?

After getting out of the sweaty outfits, he took a quick shower to cool down his anger, it works most of the time.

"Hoseokie, is that you?"

"Yes, sleepy head, you're finally up?"

A tall figure appeared at the bathroom door. Chae Hyungwon, Hoseok's roomate, majoring in Music, the laziest person you can ever find on Earth but he's cute so no one even mind his laziness. One of the people who can stand Hoseok's hyped personality. Hyngwon yawned and stepped inside the bathroom, not caring if the person in front of him is fully clothed or not, he hasn't had his coffee yet and it's only 10 in the morning, too early for anything. ( :> i dunno why but this scenario suits Hyungwon so bad).

"You're up early, having class today eh?"

"Yeah, Vocals class.I have to get up or not Moongie will come and wreck our room again."

"....You know you can just call him Minhyuk, right? No needs to show off your boyfie to me- the ultimate single man in this dorm, for the n-th time."

"I know, I just love looking at your poor disgusted face and scrub it all over you, Hobie."

Hyungwon smirked after hearing his friend whined for the thousand time. After finishing washing up, they both got out of the bathroom and head out of the dorm in different directions.



Despite the screaming, the young man who seems to be Kim Taehyung is still sound a sleep. Kihyun impotently let out a sign. His roomate is adorable when he sleeps but it's a torture waking this cutie pie up. Brushing of the hair strands on Taehyung forehead, Kihyun give the younger a soft look and patted the boy forehead lightly before....



A lound scream appeared after the poor boy received a smack on the forehead.

"Yeah as if it would work. You need to learn things the hard way Kim Taehyung, I can't keep on wasting my precious voice to wake your lazy ass up."

Although Kihyun is saying harsh words but his hands are busy making Taehyung's bed and helping the boy get dressed. Taehyung pouted while cleaning himself up in the bathroom, hyungie is always mean to TaeTae.

"Taehyung, come out now so we can go and have breakfast, dear."

"You sound like my mom."

"I know, even I realize that. Now hurry up and get change, we're having class soon."- Kihyun rolled his eyes and gave Taehyung his back pack. After locking the dorm room, Taehyung ran after Kihyun and cling to his side like a Koala, showing of his big brown eyes.

"Do you know that I adore you soo soooo much???? Like you're my bestttt bestttt hyunggggg evaaaa."

"It's only 7:30 in the morning, hun. I can't handle this, I'm not in my concoius mode."


Ok, first time writing a fanfic in English, it's not my first language so please forgive me for my grammar mistakes. <3 Tell me if you enjoy this story or not. I just love myself some VHOPE.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2020 ⏰

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