Motivational Speeches

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What have I done?

Christina's POV

When I finish my therapy session I see Lauren outside her therapists room, on the floor shaking, making it look like she was crying.


 She looks up at me after flinching. 


 "Oh... Honey"

I walk over to her and sit down next to her. She leans on my shoulder and we just sit in silence. Eventually her cries turn into sniffles.

 "What happened?"

 "G-got too personal."

 "Mmmm. Yeah. Therapy tends to do that. How long have you been out here."

 She shrugs.

 "How far into the session did you get?"

 "5 questions..."

 "That's good."

 "Not really."

 "For you it is great."

 "But.. For everybody else they would have told the therapist their story... And I can't even answer 6 questions."

 "Everyone has a gift in this world... And sharing your feelings to someone else isn't yours. You have so many other gifts but, the fact that you tried. You tried to go in there. You are improving. You can't tell yourself that you are a failure for this. You need to tell yourself that you are going to do this. You are going to nail this. You are going to improve. Improvement is somthing we should all strive for. And you are no different. It may take you a while to open up but, I promise. You will be fine. Katherine and I will be there. Dani will be there. Lisa and Amy will be there. You are so brave honey... When you told Dani that she was going to therapy you were brave. You are so brave honey. So brave."


 "Of course. Why don't we go back to our room now."


We walk to our room and hang out for a while and Kath walks in a little later. We start playing go fish on the bed. Dani then bursts in scaring us all.

"Amy is trying to get Lisa to stop. We need you guys."

"Get Lisa to stop what?"

"She... She is trying to hurt herself... She is in a really depressive state and is trying really hard... To hurt herself... Please. Please."

"Of course."

We get up quickly leaving the game on the bed. When we get to their room Amy is sobbing in the corner and Lisa is on the floor scratching her skin so deep that blood is trickling out lightly. 

"Dani, take care of Amy. I'll get Lisa."

I rush over to Lisa and sit behind her taking her arms and holding them tightly as to prevent her from hurting herself.

 "Lisa... Lisa... It's ok. Stop hurting yourself... It's ok."

 "NO!!! I Deserve the pain... I Deserve it... I'm just a worthless price of crap... I don't deserve happiness... I'm just a shameful mistake... I am horrible... I am ugly... I'm worthless. I'm disgusting. I have made so many fricking mistakes and... I don't deserve it. I-"

 "Lisa. Lisa. Stop. I know so much about you. I know about your story. I understand you. Your life isn't what it should be. You should be living life happily. You need to be happy. You deserve happiness. You have so much worth. Nothing you do can change that. You were born with worth. No mistakes you make... No outfit you choose... Will change your self worth. You can't change everything about yourself in hopes of getting more self worth because, your self worth will always stay the same. You are priceless. You are an amazing human being. You are beautiful. You need to stop holding yourself back. Stop telling yourself you are worthless or you don't deserve it. Tell yourself that you are valuable and that you deserve it. Tell yourself how beautiful you are. You are an amazing human being but, you keep tearing yourself down. You need to start building yourself up. Amy loves you and its hurting her that you are listening to these... These voices. It's hurting her that you are hurting yourself. You are hurting us."

 Lisa has stopped struggling and is just limp in my arms.

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