Panic Attack

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Shoot. Angela just slapped Christina.

Christina's POV

Someone just hit me. I can't make out who. My breathing becomes ragged and uneven. My heartbeat accelerates. I can make out blurry figures but for all I know it is HIM and his FRIENDS. I slowly back up. 

 "N-n-no don't hurt me. Don't hurt me. Don't hurt me. I will be good. Don't play your game, please. Please. Don't hurt me. Don't hurt me."

 I mumble the same phrase repeatedly. Granted I don't know if what I am saying is literate but I am too scared to know. All I can think about is HIM. HIS hands touching me. HIS friends touching me. 


Katherine and Lauren were asleep on the bed, thank god. This reduces the chance of them having to play the game with HIM and HIS friends. I hear the garage door open. Shoot he is home. I have to protect the girls with all my power. I leave the room and lock it. I then hide the key. Good, he can't enter without breaking the door down and he wouldn't do that because that would mean he would have to part with his precious drinking money in order to fix the door so his "Friends" get privacy.


 I flinch at the yelling.

 "Yes, sir."

 I walk into the living room to see 2 middle aged grimy men, who seem to be drunk. Not this again.

 "You. Girl. Come with us, you are about to have the best time of your life. This will convince you that you are straight. Got it?"

 I sigh. Ever since He found out that I wasn't straight he had been bringing more people in using me being gay as an excuse.

One of the men grabs my hand tightly. I wince. That is going to leave a bruise. He shoves me down onto the bed and unzips his pants.

After he "finishes" the two men leave. Thank goodness. My inner thighs are extremely sore and it hurts to walk. Suddenly I hear a loud scream. It's coming from upstairs. Shoot. I run up the stairs to find Him on the ground. Good the girls are safe. 

 " YOU GOOD for nothing excuse of a WOMAN!!!  FOR THIS YOU WILL GET 100 WHIPS and we are going to play my favorite game afterwards. Got it? Good. "

I Stay silent, it is the best thing to do in this situation. He grabs my arm harshly and drags me to his room. I don't know what I did but he has some type of excuse. He ties me up and gags me. He takes out his belt and begins.



I begin to sob. My back is already littered with bruises and scars. HE is just adding more.

I come back to reality with Dani saying my name trying to get my attention.

 "Christina? Christina? Christina, can you hear me?"

 I nod quickly. If I don't respond, they will hurt me or the girls. I can't let that happen. It hurts to breathe and my lungs feel as if they are on fire. My head is pounding and tears are pouring out of my eyes. 

 "Hey, I am coming near you now. Ok?"

 Dani's POV

I begin walking toward Christina. Her breath is ragged and shaky. I can see the pure panic in her eyes. I take her shaky hand.

 "Hey, just copy my breathing. Calm down. I am right here. Katherine is safe. Lauren is safe. You are safe. We are in Nashville Mental Asylum. Remember? HE isn't here anymore. HE is in jail miles away. Remember?"

 Christina slowly gets control over her breathing. She nods to all of my questions. I know what is going to happen next. She is going to become selectively mute for the rest of the day until Kath and her are alone and they talk about it. Then Christina won't get much sleep because of her night terrors.

Right now all I can think about is how much we all HATE Angela.

Angela's POV

Shoot. I look at the time. That panic attack thing lasted for 30 minutes. I didn't realize that slapping her would affect her that badly. Well... She deserves it. She didn't even want to try a relationship with me.

Me slapping her might have scared her enough to want to go out with me. Yeah. And it's not even like I punched her. I just slapped her across the face. Sure it might leave a bruise but, you can deal with a bruise. It's not like I raped her or something.

Well, that took a turn... Who is "HE" and will Dani be right about Christina becoming temporarily mute? Find out in the next chapter of Help. "I watch YouTube and eat to much food. Who would have guessed? Everyone could be dead outside. I'm not gonna go check. I shrivel up into an awkward raisin. #relatable content." If anyone knows who this song is by then... I will give you 500 awesome points. Ha! All the references. No one is going to know who this is but oh well. That song was stuck in my head while I was writing the really depressing flashback. I know... It's weird. I have something wrong with me...

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