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I will get my revenge

Katherine's POV

We just got back to our room and Christina is currently curled up against me. Her head is on my stomach and her feet are curled up to her chest. She is still recovering from her previous panic attack and is shaking. This Angela girl has gone way too far. I look at Christina's face. There is a bright red hand print shaped mark on it. We already have enough bruises and scars. You would think that since this happened 6 months ago the bruises would be gone but, they aren't. Some of them are still a purple-blue color. Most of them are fading now though. Sadly we will forever have a reminder of Him. Some of the things he did to us left is physically scarred and that is why Christina is no longer able to raise her arms all the way up.

 "Is she going to be ok?"

 Laurens asks something startling me. I was not expecting her to talk. She was quiet most of the time.

 "Y-y-yea-a sh-sh-she w-w-wi-l-l-ll b-be f-f-fi-in-ne."

 " Good. "

I give Lauren a small smile. I feel Christina take a few deep breaths. I look down. I give a smile. She smiles back but, I can see the pain of the memories in her eyes.

"Y-y-yo-ou O-o-k n-n-ow?"

She doesn't respond verbally but gives a small nod. I knew this was going to happen. Christina was actually extremely quiet before we came in here but, she began speaking up when Laur and I became extremely uncomfortable speaking in front of others. Christina, Laur, and I were pretty much mute when we got here. We didn't talk to anyone ever. We actually didn't participate in group therapy sessions for the first 3 months of being here.  And every time she has ever had a panic attack or nightmare here she reverts back to her old, quiet self.


She shakes her head no. I nod. I know I have a bad stutter but it used to be worse. Before now most people couldn't even understand me. When Christina and I have conversations before bed it improves my speech. Christina has offered to get me speech therapy but I refused. I was terrified to go in front of someone I didn't know and have them force me to talk. I don't think I will ever do that. We have to go to dinner soon.

I nudge Christina and she looks up.  I point my thumb at the door then signal that it is time to eat. She looks up and gives a small sigh. She gets up and helps me up as well.  This is what our relationship was like before Dani came into our lives. She forced Christina to talk because it was extremely difficult for us to communicate otherwise. I have yet to thank her. I actually have yet to thank anybody. I guess I am just waiting for my stutter to be gone. Christina has thanked Dani multiple times and Dani always answers with a humble statement. Dani has been a great friend even during her mood swings. She is such a nice girl and she is beautiful.  I just wish she could see it. Her purging is hurting her body. I just hope that one day she will see it and I hope that she will get better and leave this place.

I hope one day we all get out of here.

Ok. When writing this I was listening to "Men Try Painting Their Toenails- Electric Shock Challenge" for white noise. Let's just say there was a lot of screaming...

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