Slurred Speach

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Christina's POV

We were walking to go to dinner when suddenly, the Angela girl come stomping towards us. I grab Lauren and Katherine's hand moving them behind me. I am terrified to be slapped again but, I would rather be slapped and have another panic attack then to have my sister's go through that. I can't let them get hurt. I promised them that they were safe. I had to keep that promise.


 I flinch at the noise. I then find courage and I stand in front of all of the girls. No one will hurt them while I am around. I study the girl her eyes are slightly reddened and not the crying red.


I attempt to stay calm despite my inner panic. My voice comes out quiet but strong. I wasn't planning on talking for the rest of the day but, I had to protect them.

"Yoaa accused mea of ssomefffing that waasn't my fault. I thought you were nice. You are... Until someone does something YOU don't like. I like you. I have a cwush on you but, your fwiends will hinder our relationsip so, I will be a giwwwlfwiend with you if yoa leave your fwwwiends."

I look at her with confusion. How does me doing something directly become my friends' fault? Also, I am taken. I have told her this way to many times. There is no relationship between us. So I don't understand where she is getting "relationship" from. Also, why is her talking slurred?

 " There will be no relationship. I have already told you, I am in a happy healthy relationship. I have no interest to be friends with you. Now granted I was extremely blunt with you in the beginning but, frankly, I don't trust you. I was right not to trust you. I mean come on. Who slaps someone when they like them? So please just leave me alone. I am taken and even if I wasn't I would not want to date you because you are not a good match for me personally. Someday you will find love but, you won't find it with me. Your match would be someone who is more outgoing. I am not that person because, again, I am taken. When will you realize that I am taken?"

I look behind me at Katherine hoping that I said the right thing. She looks furious. Shoot. Did I say something wrong?

Katherine's POV

I am fuming. This girl dares to show her face and speak to us. Christina is still recovering. I mean seriously she was talking softer than she normally does. Does Angela not realize this?

"Listen here. The number of times Christina has told you that she is taken has been to many to count. Now, she is not lying. She is one of the most honest people on this earth. None of us are worthy of her. So back off, She is taken."

Lisa surprises me and all of us with her sudden outburst of angry words. Angela looks shocked that someone else has spoken out to her besides Christina, Amy, or Dani. Lisa didn't even know who Christina was dating. Angela walks away. Thank the lord.

Suddenly 2 Large men security officers run past us accidentally pushing Dani to the side. They take custody of Angela. I was confused why she was being taken. She clearly was as well.

"Wha do ya waaannnnt from mee?"

Her speaking has a slight slur.

"You are being taken in for substance abuse. You will be going into solitary confinement."

The security guards take her to the top floor where solitary confinement is. What I didn't notice was Dani's sudden mood change.

"That was weird..."

Lisa states this and we all expected it but, what we didn't expect was for Dani to just leave. She walks away crying. We stare in silence when suddenly Christina goes running. She turns around and shouts softly.

"I will see what is wrong"

I don't understand how she did it but she screamed softly. I hope Dani is OK.

I don't know how to write the slurred speech so... Sorry. Also, may I say how great Cimorelli's cover of "The Middle" by Zedd, Maren Morris, Grey is. I am working on another book so, be excited.

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