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I give a shrug then nuzzle into Christina. I was scared to go back but, now I'm not because I know that she will protect me.

Christina's POV

I am glad they took the bandage off a few hours after the surgery. Kath fell asleep in my arms which I wasn't expecting considering her insomnia but, its probably all the medication. Laur and I walk downstairs and the doctor shows us to the car. He gives me a small smile and whispers into my ear.

"Don't let her go"

"I wasn't planning on it"

He opens the door for us. Lauren goes in first and I get in next. I put Kath next to me. She shifts little but soon finds a comfortable position and uses my shoulder as a pillow.

The doctor closes the door. I wrap my arm around Lauren Just because all these things with Kath are happening doesn't mean I'm going to show her less love and care. She looks up and smiles.

We begin our journey back to the mental hospital. Being away for a day probably worried the girls but, Laur and I had to be there for Kath and thankfully the mental hospital allowed us to stay with her. I don't know what happened to Angela but, hopefully, she got moved to a different hospital.

I don't know how long the car ride will be because the ambulance ride was a blur and it was also probably rushed because that what ambulances do.

A few minutes later Lauren has fallen asleep as well.

Dani's POV

Amy was having a meltdown. She was stressing over Kath and Christina and I was trying to figure out how to de-stress her because, when she gets stressed she begins having her schizophrenic episodes.

Lisa was currently sleeping and she has been sleeping for around 17 hours. This is probably her hypersomnia thing.

"Amy, calm down, it's ok now."

"But what if-"

Amy gets cut off by a knock at the door. I answer it and see a nurse there.

"Hello, You asked for updates about Christina, Lauren, and Katherine, C-Cimorelli?"

"Yes, do you have any news?"

"Yes, they are on their way back now it will only take 15-20 minutes."

"Ok, thank you."

"Your welcome"

I close the door.

"Amy, they are fine, they are coming back now. it will only be 15 minutes. Ok? They are fine."

"They are, Oh good. We couldn't have lost Katherine. I mean they just got engaged. We can't lose anyone. I mean we are so close."

I can see her attack coming on, she is becoming distracted and she isn't focused on anything. I hope I can keep her out of her attack.

Will Amy have an attack? We don't know because I haven't written the next chapter yet. Enjoy. Also, Kathstina is goals.

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