Chapter 4

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"I don't think she's very happy back there, Dean," Sam commented from the passenger seat. He gestured to Ash sitting in the back with crossed arms, not happy to be dragged along somewhere she didn't know. 

"Well, let her pout," the elder brother shrugged, adjusting his rearview mirror to watch the child. "She doesn't need this kind of life, we're bringing her somewhere else to stay."

Ash's mouth opened in silent protest. "The fuck is it to you what I do? I don't give a shit if you think some 'kid' doesn't belong hunting," she made air quotes before adding in a mumble, "It's not your goddamn life."

"Yeah, but I know this life isn't good for you, 'specially if you start out young," Dean decided. "Just 'cause I started young, doesn't mean other hunters should. This life isn't glamorous, kid."

"Don't you think I know that?" Ash crossed her arms again, leaning against the inside of the door. 

"No, I don't think you do," he stated simply, tapping his thumbs on the steering wheel. "Nobody chooses this life and survives."

"I didn't choose it," she muttered. "I have nothing else."

Dean sighed, shaking his head slightly to himself. "Okay, kid. Why don't we stop somewhere for breakfast? Get some food before we find you a place to be dropped off."

Ash didn't reply, but Dean didn't need a response, anyway. He headed farther down the road until a cheap restaurant sat itself in the Winchesters' vision. Dean pulled into the small diner, parking and pulling his keys from the ignition. He turned his head to Ash, resting his elbow on the seats. "Don't try anything smart. Let's go."

The young hunter sighed as she exited the car, shutting the door and following the brothers inside. A waitress in a yellow dress greeted them before giving them a table.

Ash sat across from Dean, next to Sam. The long-haired brother watched as the girl sort of sank in on herself, hiding her hands in her lap and hunching her shoulder slightly. A waitress walked by, promising to be back in a few moments. She came back a few minutes later, holding an order ticket. 

"What can I get y'all today?"

"Could I just get the egg sandwich and a coffee, please?" Sam nodded. The dainty waitress girl wrote down the order with a small nod, then looked over at Ash.

"Oh, just a-uh coffee for me, please." The girl gave a small obligatory shy smile.

"That all, sweetie?"

Ash nodded. 

"Kid, you're gonna have to eat," Dean declared. Ash simply shrugged.

"All right," the waitress nodded. "Then for you, sir?"

"Uh, could I get the number-three breakfast meal, with sausage?"

"Sure thing, darling. Anything else I can get you three today?"

The three hunters shook their heads. The waitress walked off, and Dean gazed back over at the girl across from him, staring at the table. "Ash, we're probably gonna be driving for hours, you sure you don't want to eat?"

"I don't eat much, anyway, it's fine," Ash shook her head, her eyebrow cocked slightly in the beginnings of frustration. 

"All right," Dean shrugged. "There's jack with a side of squat out here, though. Nearest fire station or group home is probably miles away."

"The only hospital in the area is almost an hour out in the opposite direction," Sam added, "If someone got actually hurt here, they'd be screwed. We will probably be on the road for a few hours. Even then, they might not accept her."

"Accept me? I'm not a fucking gift. Just leave me on the side of the goddamn road or something, I can get a ride where I need to go."

"And where is it you need to go?" Dean raised his eyebrows.

"I told you, wherever I find a jo-"

"Here y'all go," the dainty waitress with a tray of plates and mugs came through. She placed down three white ceramic mugs of coffee, then Dean and Sam's food. Ash held tightly onto the hot coffee mug, nearly burning her hands. She downed half of it in one go.

"We could always call Bobby," Sam shrugged at his brother from across the table. "Maybe he knows someone who can take her in or find her a group home. Maybe foster care."

"No. No, foster care is the last resort," Dean shook his head. Ash let out a small breath she had been holding out of suspense. "Bobby's around seven hours out, let's call him on the way there. He can find her a place."

The brothers nodded, but Ash shook her head. "And I get no say in this?"

"Nope," Dean decided as he shoveled food into his mouth. Ash shook her head with an angry frown, annoyed as she finished off her coffee.

Dean hiccuped, suppressed a burp, then stacked his plates together. He picked up the small white check off the table. "Let's go."

Dragging her feet in frustration, Ash followed the Winchester brothers to the front of the diner. Dean paid with one of his countless fake credit cards, left a tip, then lead the way back to his car.

"Pick up your feet kid, c'mon," the hunter called behind him as Ash walked slower in the parking lot. She shoved her hands in her hoodie pockets, not walking any faster as she trekked back to the backseat of the Impala.

"All right," Dean nodded as he stated his car. "Let's call Bobby."

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