Chapter 6

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Day two. One day left folks. I woke up when Tikki poured water on my face. I sat up angrily and gasped when I realised I was late. I hurried to get dressed and took some time putting on makeup to conceal all the cuts and bruises I had from the day before. I really, really didn't want to remember any of it. But it felt so good to have Adrien hold me... I'm so weird, I know. I took to the streets and hoped he wouldn't say anything about what happened. It would be too awkward. Seriously though, what are the chances that your crush is the exact person who comes to rescue you and you end up crying in front of him like an idiot. Maybe I was the bad luck holder not him. But then again, dying at the hands of the person who is supposed to be your partner is a pretty bad case of bad luck so I could be wrong.

I went through school in a blurred haze, imagining throwing knives into Ms. Bustier's throat to pass the time. When class ended, I was confused to see Nino and Alya talking about me shamelessly. We were planning on stopping by the bakery during our lunch break.

"Have you seen how weird Adrien and Marinette have been acting lately?"

"Yeah. You guys are both so tired. What exactly were you doing last night young lady?" I groaned and smacked my head against the table. No one had bothered leaving the class so it was still pretty full.

"Sleeping Alya. And I'm sure Adrien was doing the same." I turned to him for support but he was... asleep. Really dude? You go to sleep now? They didn't seem convinced and kept whispering to each other till she turned to me.

"Your hair is down. You never leave it down. Reasons?" I blinked, getting up to leave. Truly there was a hickey on my neck I forgot to cover and I was just waiting till the right moment to bolt to the toilets and cover it. It was big so I let my hair down to hide it. I couldn't even look at Adrien when I came in late earlier that day. Ugh, I'm such an idiot-

I tripped, sending my books flying and sighed when Chloe sashayed up to me with Sabrina at her heels.

"Oh Maritrash, tripped on air again I see? Or was gravity just being too hard on you?" I rolled my eyes mentally. One day I will expose this girl. I can't wait for that day to come.

"Step aside Chloe. I'm not in the mood-" I accepted Alya's hand when she offered to help me up and frowned when she let go, her hand covering her mouth.


"What?" She pulled my hair back to reveal the hickey and I nearly slapped myself right there and then. It was deep, a purple black hue that did not look pretty. I swatted her hand away when she tried to touch it and covered it back up with my hair. Sadly, too many people had seen it including Chloe-

"EVERYONE MARITRASH HAS A HICKEY!" Ahem. Including Chloe who decided to announce it to the entire class. I looked up from my seat and swallowed when people gathered around my desk, asking if it was true. I couldn't help but glance around for Adrien but I couldn't see him. I was hellbent on ignoring them but Alya seemed to realise they wouldn't stop till I gave them what they wanted and pulled my hair back. There were gasps throughout the class and they all went silent. Then they began to shoot questions at me like:

"Who's the mystery guy?"

"Is he cute?"

"Does he have any cute friends?"

"Why didn't you tell me I had a boyfriend?!" Alya who immediately began to fangirl on the floor.

"How old is he?"

"Are you two serious?"

"Why would anyone ever date a girl like you?" Chloe, obviously. I was getting pretty overwhelmed and I was starting to remember what had happened last night. My shoulders shook slightly and I tapped my foot from under the desk, hoping they would drop it but they wouldn't.

"Guys, would you stop crowding my girlfriend please?" It took me a few moments to register this new information in my mind. Adrien Agreste had just walked through the group and calmly stated that I was-

"WAIT WHAT?!" He turned to me with a forced smile that told me to play a long and I nodded a little, letting him put his arm around me without falling to the floor. "Uhm yeah. He's my boyfriend. Goodbye then."

"Adrikins how could you?!" My lips twitched but Adrien shrugged.

"Sorry Chloe. I'm sorta taken now."

"B-but Adrikins..." She left the classroom, followed by Sabrina. I noticed Nathaniel slip away seconds after but remained silent. Alya looked like she was going to kill me. And him. Mostly him though so that's good. What? I'm still a villain. Mercy.

"MARINETTE DUPAIN-CHENG, ADRIEN AGRESTE, YOU TWO ARE SO DEAD!" I stepped in front of him, blocking her path to annihilating him.

"Don't kill him! His face is too beautiful. Have a little mercy Alya." She scowled and hugged me.

"I'm so happy for you girl! Seeing as you've had that giant crush on him for months and you're always fantasizing about him and your future house and children and you have pics of him all over you bedroom walls-"

"ALYA!" I covered her mouth, blushing. I could barely spare a glance at Adrien but he chuckled and threw his arm around me, pulled me closer and kissed my forehead. Excuse me while I die of happiness.

"What? He probably knows by now- wait a sec. Where did you two do it?"

"D-do what?"

"You know what I'm talking about." She wiggled her eyebrows. Nino chuckled, Adrien smirked and I? I was in shock, as red as Nath's hair, scarred for life.

"ALYA! Adrien would never do something like that!"

"Not until we're Mari-ed anyway right princess?" I swallowed. Chat. I had been avoiding thinking about him. "We did nothing. Stop thinking so dirty Alya. We just went for a little moonlight walk in the park and... uh... things happened?" Nino snorted while she sighed.

"Boys. I want all the details, alright Mari- Mari?" I looked up as they're concerned eyes landed on me. I've always hated being in the spotlight. I got up and ignored their eyes, running out of the class before they could speak. I was out of the school, headed down the steps when a hand grabbed me. My first thought was that it was Felix and a whimper made its way out of my lips as dread washed over me. I felt a slight jolt and realised it was Adrien, not Felix. Thankfully.

"Marinette. I-I'm sorry about what happened in there. You just looked so frightened I had to help and I'm sorry. Where are you going." I sniffled and coughed. "Are you alright?"

"I think I feel a bit ill. I may not come back for a while so yeah. See ya-" he wrapped his arms around me and I clutched him tight, letting all my worries fade away for a moment as I snuggled into him. But only for a moment. I allowed myself a moment of happiness before stepping away. I was a villain. I needed to stop before things got too serious.

"You're a good guy Adrien. Please stay away from me." I took off leaving a shocked and confused Adrien behind.

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