Oh, isnt that Egyption?

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Shade hadn't moved from his spot on the couch in the living room for hours. Everytime he made a move Ares was watching him like a hawk, Apollo would sigh and roll his eyes at his best friend before walking away to eat something out of the kitchen. The silence between all of us had gotten awkward, the more I was left to my thoughts the more I had questions for Ares. He was still pouting over Shade in the corner with a cute but intimidating look on his face.

Finally, and thankfully, Apollo broke the silence with a sandwich in his right hand and a Pepsi in his left. " Yo, Ares?"

The guy who had been unblinking for hours finally broke his stubborn stance and turned to his best friend. "What?" there was still the sharp edge of boiling anger in his voice, but Apollo shrugged it off.

"We need to hit the road, it's only a matter of time before the Camp finds out about Dakota."

I bit my bottom lips as I hesitated to ask a question. I didn't want to sound annoying or anything, but I doubted they would tell me on their own. " Camp Half-Blood?"

The three guys nodded.

"I thought Camp Half-Blood was supposed to protect us?"

Apollo nodded," Of course that is their best intentions, we don't shit talk about Camp. They just haven't made the best decisions. Chosen ones, or a lot of the time, overly gifted Demi-Gods are taken to another unknown location. No one can find it, and it's really difficult to escape from. Siren, Ares and myself managed to do so. And since then have been looking for Chosen Ones or overly powerful Demi-Gods to help show the Gods what is happening."

I took a minute to soak that in," oh, so how long we're you in that school?"

"three months" Ares sighed," two months we have been free and have only found Hebe,Artemis,and you."


Apollo grinned," Well, as you can tell, Ares and I are named after our Fathers."

I nodded," yeah, but isn't that normal?"

Ares shrugged," Actually, its about seventy percent of the Chosen Ones, Dakota. It's odd I understand that, but it's nice. Gives pride I guess. Hebe was named after her mother of course, the goddess of youth.

Apollo's grin widened," Goddess of Youth alright, she's amazing." he looked up at the ceiling," oh god, and Hera, Dakota you should meet her, I mean damn even you would go gay for her."

"Apollo!" Ares snapped," what the fuck?!"

Apollo blinked and looked at Ares then turned to me," I'm really sorry, Dakota, I meant no disrespect." he placed his sandwich and Pepsi on the table beside him and made his way over to me.

I stood there confused and dumb, even Ares saw what was coming, he sighed and gave Apollo a growl as warning, but as Apollo was, he ignored it. Apollo gazed down at me with bright sun colored eyes as he stood directly in front of me, he was taller than I was, his body just centimeters away from touching mine. I wanted to move, at least, I thought I wanted to move, but I didn't, I'd lost my breath and my heart beat heavily and loudly in my chest. He tucked an imaginary strand of my hair behind my ear before trailing that same finger down my jaw line and under my chin.

"To be honest, Dakota." he whispered in my ear," You are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."

And then he kissed me.

Okay, okay. I knew it was stupid to let him do that, but jeez the guy is freaking beautiful. I heard Ares chuckle at either my or Apollo'a stupidity, I couldn't tell. Apollo pulled back slowly, a small smile on his face, he was defiantly satisfied with his actions of the day. From the corner of my eye I saw something darken, Apollo must have seen it too because his smile faded and he stepped away from me. I was kinda glad he did, Apollo was a great kisser, and I was seconds away from grabbing him and kissing him again. I turned all the way to see what the growing darkness was, my face probably flushed from my current thoughts and actions.

At first, I thought the growing darkness was Shade, but it wasn't. Shade must have seen everyone staring his way, or behind him actually. Silently, he turned to follow our gazes. Behind him was a tall growing mass of pitch black gas on the wall, the bigger it got the more we could hear the silent hissing that came from it. Shade was quicker than I thought he was, he jumped from his spot and pulled down his hood. He held his hands out to the darkness palms out, but it only made the darkness louder, it's small hissing turned into high pitched ear piercing screams. Ares, Apollo and I covered our ears tightly, but we still heard everything, well at least I did.

Shade wasn't covering his ears, he was busy with his hands pointed at the darkness. I couldn't exactly tell what he was doing, the darkness swirled closer to him like tentacles and clutched to his wrists.

And it pulled him.

"What are you doing, Shade?!?" Ares screamed over the darkness.

Shade began to panic as he tried to pull away from the darkness's clutches, but he yelled back shakily," it isn't me! I swear!"

"Then who?"

Shade didn't answer, he kept pulling, but it was a battle he was loosing.

I ran to Shade quickly and hugged him from behind to help him pull, he stiffened at first in question, but quickly let it go when he realized I was trying to help. I felt Apollo come behind me and pull.

We went back a step.

Ares sighed and pulled behind Apollo and we all pulled roughly.

"On the count of three!" Shade called back.

"One!"...." Two!"...."Three"

We pulled again, but we didn't win, the darkness let go of Shades wrists sending the four of us flying back onto each other. Shade was the first to sit up at the deep and frightening laughter that filled my home. He glared as the darkness started to move and shake itself to the figure of a man. The man had skin that was paler than the average albino, his eyes the darkest pits, like Shades, except with no light at the bottom. This man had no soul. His hair was long and pulled back with a rubber band of some sort, he wore a long black cloak with a t shirt and jeans underneath. He was middle aged, mid thirties maybe mid forties.

"Ah, there you have gone, son." the dark man chuckled to Shade.

I felt my stomach drop at his words, this was Hades. Shades dad. The king of the underworld...

Apollo and Ares both came to my side quickly, only it was Apollo who wrapped his arms around me protectively. I almost smiled, what did that mean for the both of us? Or was this just Apollo being Apollo? I'd have to know him more to find out.

"What are you here for, Hades?" Apollo said in a low growl.

"Claim your grounds!"Ares hissed.

Hades rolled his pitch black eyes," oh, calm down, Son of War. This is no battle field."

The three boys glared at the God. None of us spoke, we just waited.

Hades looked from Ares to Apollo,"And you haven't inherited the Sun Chariot yet, have you? You must not be what you cut out for huh, Apollo?"

Apollos face fell slightly, but he tried to keep it straight. Still, none of us spoke. Hades turned to me finally. And he smiled.

"what a beautiful young girl."

"DON'T TOUCH HER!" Shades scream made the three of us cover our ears.

Hades winced and gave Shade a hateful look." you dirty people loving little-"


All of in the room turned to face the small female voice we heard. A girl, maybe fourteen stood there in a dark dress, her hair black as night with a silver line running through it. Her eyes a milky brown and her skin a pale caramel color. She help a stuffed animal to her chest as she pouted at Hades. Actually, I give the girl props for standing up to him, I couldn't have. The animal appeared to be a dog? Oh, wait no it was a jackal.

"Who are you?" Hades looked her up and down with mild disgust.

"I'm Anyu," she said numbly," I'm the daughter of Anubis."

Hades froze for a quick second, and to be honest, for a second there, he actually looked scared." I didn't know Anubis was around, how is he?"

Darkness flowed from behind Hades once again as he saw he was t getting an answer, and he faded into the wall.

Shade turned to the girl named Anyu, "Isn't that Egyptian?"

Siren's Tale (On Hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora