How it all began

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"DAKOTA KINGSLEY" The male voice over the com echoed throughout the boarding school for troubled girls. I sat there behind my desk frozen, my visage flooding with a deep red color from the heat of embarrassment I just developed. Every breath in the classroom stopped, and every pair of eyes in the room were on me. I swear to God that even the class pet Rascal the Parrot turned my way. I looked around quickly, praying that they would stop looking at me. I felt the sweat start to bead up at the brow of my forehead, and the administrator cleared her throat.

"Dakota," she began as she smoothed the gray hairs back into her tight bun on the back of her head. Her forehead wrinkled up slightly before she focused her vibrant blue eyes back onto me. "You are dismissed. Take your things and get out of my classroom please."

There was a slight gasp from behind me, but I dare not look. I swallowed roughly before picking up my side bag and strapping it over my shoulder, then picked up the notebook and text book, I held both to my chest before looking towards the door. I wondered what waited for me behind that door. There were many whispers behind my back, some of which they thought I couldn't hear. I sucked in a deep breath before stepping towards the door at a rather comfortable speed, the sooner I left, the better.

I walked alone down the abandoned hallways, the walls a dark wooden brown checkered in dark blue lockers. The floor a creaking old maple wood, the doors a weird type of titanium. Every breath, every step, every blink, could be heard. It had stood high, this school was strong, built in the ancient time of Athens. Even named after it: God's School of Athens, for the troubled and gifted.

You never knew who was who, some grew up in these very halls, some even died here, some disappeared. Myself, i wasn't sure if I was crazy or gifted. I'd been here for two years now, after my parents did the pack drop and roll act on me. Yes, that is exactly what you think it means, sadly, as a sixteen year old who had been spoiled and always got what she wanted: I actually trusted my parents when the day came. I still wince when I remember it.

" Hey,kiddo" my dad had smiled kindly as he had knocked and entered my entirely pink room. He was slightly cautious but wouldn't any dad entering a pink room of his teenage daughter? So I hadn't taken to much notice to it.

" What's up, Dad?" I smiled sweetly then and placed my sketchbook on the bed beside me before hugging my long legs tightly to my chest and resting my chin on my knees.

Something fearful had passed his very dark blue eyes, something that only passed when he was trying to be brave. Of course, I didn't know that at the moment, but there was always something about my dad that made me feel protected. I know he loved my mom, but things had been different after she had to leave. They never told me why. He placed a strong warm hand on my shoulder before taking a deep breath and speaking in a deep voice that flowed like water. "Kota, your grandmother isn't feeling very well. Kristen and I will be leaving shortly to visit her, would you like to come with?"

I had scrunched up my face and wrinkled up my nose, something that would always tick my mother off when I was younger, even though it was a habit of her own. I had watched my fathers face fall further, partly because I reminded him much of my mother, the other of my starting to mouth the word no. He quickly thought of a back up plan, so swift but weak, and it had worked.

" Wanna go out for some ice-cream on the way, Dakota?" he raised a prying eyebrow," We can get Rocky Road."

The way he mentioned my favorite ice cream flavor had made my stomach twist with anticipation. I didn't want the ice cream. I needed it.

No need to say the rest, I packed my belongings, all my important keepsakes, and we headed out. I had fallen a sleep in the car after the promised ice-cream, and woken up in a bed here...

My Father had abandoned me. Banished me from the family, he didn't love me. Not anymore..

Back to the current and away from the worst memory compacted deep inside my mind, I stood outside the main administrators slightly open office door. My fingers played agitatedly and I ascertained two male voices on the other side.

The deeper and older of the two I already recognized as the voice of the administrator spoke humbly and quiet. " She should be here soon, Officer."

Another voice, pretty deep, the voice of a male in his early twenties articulated solemnly," Yes sir, I atone for my reasoning here, I wish there were better circumstances for my presence."

The administrator assented quickly," Yes, unfortunately Dakota isn't here yet. Should I intercom once more?"

There was a silence.

I lifted a nervous hand to the door, my whole body shook deploringly. Just when I was about to flick my wrist so my hand would knock on the wooden door...

It opened.

A man stood there, his hair fell over his face dark brown like he had just woken up,his eyes a mossy green. Under those eyes were dark circles that only someone like me would have noticed,a sign of stress. To my surprise he was discerningly dapper, his skin the olive tone many Greek people here. In his police uniform he stood and looked down on me, has if I were an old friend he hadn't seen in years, his demeanor told me one thing. He was desolated.

He held out a strong firm hand,"Dakota, I am Ares. It's a pleasure to see you this morning."

I blinked but didn't pipe a word, my confused gaze turned towards the administrator who was giving me a despondent look. His grey eyes solemn and dark hair messy, as if he had ran his chubby hands through it one too many times.

" Take a seat,Dakota." The administrator nodded towards the seat in front of him.

I slowly,and carefully followed his command.

The administrator gave me a slow nod before gesturing to the chair in front of him. Hesitantly I took the seat and watched as the police officer Ares took a stance behind my school administrator. With a clear of his throat Ares spoke.

"Dakota, I'm not sure if you knew this, but, I am a very close friend to your fathers." Ares looked down in sorrow,"well I was."

I didn't know that he and this officer, were about to change my life forever..

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