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~Sirens POV~

" But Siren," Hera whined from where she lay,naked, in the dead center of her queen sized mattress.

I looked up from putting on my boxers and froze, yes, Hera was beautiful; yes, I was using her for sex. That's all we wanted, no strings attached. You know, I really really hate strings, but when you find someone who is just like you, and wants sex with no commitment. Then you fucking agree. Sadly, I was very aware with how she was fucking with my cousins heart, and yes, I didn't care. Don't think I'm a dick or anything, but, Apollo needs to harden up. But that's just me, my heart is solid, like a rock, I'd like to see any stupid bitch get through and break it. Though, I highly doubt I'd think of her as a stupid bitch. Eh, that doesn't matter, it will never happen, even if I secretly wish it would....

Whoever the girl is, the minute she found out what kind of monster I was, she would run to the hills.

Because everyone always leaves me.

I finally got the voice to speak,"Hera, please, Apollo would be happy to see you."

She sighed and twisted a strand of curly brown hair around her pointer finger," I'm sure he would, Ares wouldn't enjoy it though. He will know something is up."

I bit my bottom lip, she was right, Ares is always the one who figures scams. I gave Hera a troubled look that made her blush for whatever reason," You're still friends with Hebe, right?"

She nodded like a bobble head,"Yes of course."

"Just go through Hebe to get to Dakota, please?" I pouted at her in the cutest way I could, but I quickly gave up and just winked at her with a grin," besides, you kind of owe me after last night"

Hera bit her lip and looked up at me," oh? How can you be so sure?" She crawled over to where I stood at the end of her bed slowly, and holy shit it was pretty sexy," I think I did something last night, something you liked alot, that wasn't part of the our little deal,Siren"

I furrowed my eyebrows at her and chewed my lip as I thought about the events of last night. Once I realized what she was talking about, I grinned and got a returned smirk from her. "Oh, that."

She nodded," I don't know about you, but I'm ready for my payment"

I snorted," and you have it."

"what?" her face twisted into one of an unattractive confusion," no I don't."

I nodded and started to put on my pants," yeah, you do," I paused to pick up my shirt before meeting her eyes," you got the pleasure to make me feel good. That's payment enough." I tried to end our conversation by walking away, I'd made a mistake, I usually never stay the night. She must expect more of me. So I'll have to find someone else to sleep with while I distance myself from her.

"Don't you dare walk away from me!" she screeched. " if you walk out that door,Siren, I swear to my Mother that I will make that girls life miserable!"

I stopped and turned," You WILL be friends with Dakota. Why? Because I fucking told you so. You swear upon your mother? How weak" I snorted," to swear on a God. If you don't do this, I will make you suffer."

We glared at each other for the longest time. Her dark green eyes shooting into my golder colored ones. Her brown curly hair fell over her naked body in bronze colored ringlets. She really was a natural beauty, too bad all I saw was the ugly. That's really all I ever saw in people. Always the ugly, never the beauty.

"Fine," I heard her whine eventually.

I turned and left her puffy pink room. My mind trained on my own issues. What was wrong with me? Ugly, everything had an ugly side, as a Syrén I should be used to beautiful things. But I always saw ugly, yeah pretty faces, sexy voices, talented people. Syrén people could be whoever their target wants them to be, sudden talents, sudden looks, sudden whatever. But if the target asks for the normal you, that's who the Syrén must be. I showed... The... Less advanced version of me. I still looked the same, minus the glowing skin, the storms in my eyes, and the wild hair from the fire within me. Which means my hair looks like burning gold. Normal. Really. Ish.

I'm not the type of person to tell people my back story either, it's really none of anyones business. I walked out of Heras apartment complex and onto the heated human streets with no shoes on. Yes, it was kinda gross but I didn't care, I just needed to get back into the deeper woods so I can track Dakota again. There was something about her, something I needed to know. I wanted to find the ugly in her, though I might not. I need to find out who her parents are, find her weakness. I needed to know her, and I couldn't exactly do that with Apollo and Ares following her around like lost puppy dogs. I saw my cousin kissing her, and that didn't bother me so much, but Hera will join his heart once again. And Dakota will get alone time, and that's just what I need. Maybe even manipulate her thoughts a bit.

"Get out of the fucking road!" a strange dude called from the front driving seat of his old red pickup truck.

I blinked, had I really been standing in the middle of the road? I glared at the man, I already knew this stupid human knew nothing about who I was... But he was about to learn. I felt the trickling heat fill my skin, so familiar in times like this. I reached my hand behind me and felt my prized bow materialize in my fingers, I felt the lightning in my veins, and I felt my happiness. I think.

~Hera's POV~

I'd just gotten out of the shower, packed my bags, did my hair and makeup after dressing. I guess I would do what Siren asked me to, I mean, who wouldn't? The guys freaking gorgeous. I hummed a familiar commercial tune when I heard the violent honking that came from the road in the front of my apartment complexes. I was used to honking, I mean, there was a four way stop, people get impatient. Humans. The Greek goddess Hera was my mother. But I was no chosen. The honking continued, I sighed, grabbed my bags and left my apartment. I'd guess I'd find out what the honking was by the time I got down to the road.

I couldn't help but think of Siren as I walked down those steps. He came to me constantly when he needed someone to talk to. Only, he'd tell me the same story,"I'm just tired of being alone, you know?" I'd nod and tell him that he doesn't have to be alone anymore. But the more I saw him, the more I could tell, being alone is where he belongs. Don't get me wrong, the sex is amazing. It's just... Siren has this aura around him, it's so negative and hateful. He hates the Gods. He hates anything weaker than himself. Unless he can use it for sex. Like me. Like any other girl. That made me wonder about this Dakota girl, why he had sudden interest in her after only a couple days of knowing her. Or in his case "watching her"

I knew the minute he figured her out that he would get bored, but I couldn't help but feel slightly jealous. When he talks about her, his eyes sparkle. And it's just weird, why doesn't he sparkle at me, but he would sparkle with some whore he doesn't even know. Siren told me how Dakota and MY Apollo MY FUCKING Apollo had kissed and were getting closer. I would meet this "Dakota" but I would not be nice to her. I'd take the two things she has stolen from me, she took my man, and I think she's taken away my sex too. She will be alone. Siren would realize what trash she was then, right?

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