Mikey comes home???

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(An! I decided to have it where Micheal is a Winchester and where Lucifier is a Shurly!)

Life wasn't the best for the four Winchester sinblings. After Sam and Sophie were born their mother died in a fire, and their father slowly became an abusive drunk, taking his frustration out on Micheal and Dean. When Micheal was old enough, he joined the military, promising he'd come back to protect his siblings.

Once he left, their father did as well. That was four year ago, Micheal comes home until he has to leave but their father hasnt come back yet, thankfully.

I was in the library with my brother Sam, we had a free pirode and thankfully we had the library all to ourselfs. My leg was bouncing up and down, I was nervous to say the least. I felt a hand on my knee and I looked up at Sam. He looked at me with worried eyes.

"Sophie calm down, what's wrong?"  He sighns. (I know theres a lot of stories about him sighing, but there's a reason for it.) I look at him worried. "Micheal, what is he doesn't make it home, what if he gets hurt badly, what if we lose him?" I say, close to an anxiety, this was the longest he hadn't been home, it was almost a year ago today he left.

He smiled and whispered. "Don't worry Soph, he'll be home soon." I smiled and went back to drawing in my book. Sam was a mute, but sinse we were twins he would always talk to me, but when Dean or our uncle Bobby or even when our neighbors talked to him he would always sighn.

"I'm just glad this is our last class." I say as I stop drawing. "What did you draw?" Sam asks as he put his book in his bag. "Oh, just an idea that Balthazar gave me the other day." I say smiling. "I swear you two act like you're dating." Sam says rolling his eyes.

"Oh please, he only sees me as a friend and vice versa, plus who would wanna date me?" I say laughing as the bell to leave rings.

As the Winchester twins walked out of the library two boys, one with a bunch of sugar in his hand, the other speaking with a french accent.

"Oh Sam, Sophie!" The one with candy yells as the two twins make their way to the two teens. "Gabe you need to lay off the candy." Sam signed to the golden hair boy. "What ever you say Samantha." Gabriel says as he eats the lollipop.

"How was your classes darling?" The french boy, Balthazar, asks the youngest Winchester. "Horrible, if I have to keep hearing Gabriel rant about why you guys don't buy him candy I'm going to go insane." The burgendy dyed hair girl says irritated. The british boy just laughs and hugs the girl. "Sorry about him darling." He says laughing more.

The two boys, both brothers, were adopted by a man named Chuck Novak. The short boy, his parents gave him up for adoption, luckily his uncle took him in. The french boy, his mother died in child birth, leaving him with his mother boyfriend. They had two older siblings, one who was the biological child, the other is a boy whose parents died after a terrible accident.

I stood next to Balthazar as Sam and Gabriel argued about Gabriels candy addiction. "What do you mean I'll get fat?" Gabe asks, sounding offensive. "Like I said, you'll get fat with the amount of candy, so you better slow down or you'll be on the next episode of my 600 pound life." Sam sighns.

Luckily Gabe knew sighn langauge, because that's the only way Sam would talk to him.

"Sophie, darling, what's the matter?" Balthazar asks. "Huh, I'm fine." I say, not looking at him. "Mmhmm, the fact you been tapping your foot says another thing." He says. I take a deep breathe and whisper. "I'm just worried about Micheal." Balthazar doesn't say anything, he just hugs me.

"Come on guys!" Dean calls as he head to the impala. Sam waves bye to Gabriel, as I still stand there hugging Balthazar. "Will you come over later?" I whisper as I look up to him. "Yes, now get going." He says smiling. I smile and wave bye to him and Gabe.

"So Soph, when are you and the next doctor going to get togther?" Dean asks as we pull out of school. "Dean he's just a friend, me and him have been friends for years. It's like if I asked you about Cas." I say, referring to Balthazar and Gabes older brother.

"First off, I'm straight as a pole, and two, Cas still barely talks to me." He says. I sigh, this boy was just as clueless as Sam is smart, and that is very. "You're clueless Dean." I say and Sam nodes his head to agree.

Soon enough we pull up the house. "I'm not clueless." Dean says trying to argue with me. "Yeah, and im naturally a red head, we both know there lies Dean." I say casuing him to sigh as he unlocks the door.

"Damn, can you two argue any louder?" A familiar voice says. Me, Dean and Sam walk into the living room to find our oldest brother sitting on the couch. "Micheal." Dean says smiling. "Oh my, Micheal!" I scream and run towards my older brother hugging him. "I've missed you kiddo." He says laughing.

After a few hours of hugs and crying, we all sat down in the living room. "When did you get home?" Dean asks. "About maybe five minutes before you three." He says messing with Sam's hair. "It's good to have you back, we missed you man." Dean says and hugs him again.

"Yeah you miss him just like you miss Castiel." Sam sighns, causing me and Micheal to laugh and Dean to groan in confusin. "Well I'm going to go and take a shower. Someone please cook." I say heading up stairs.

Once I got up stairs I look out the window to see Balthazar looking out his window. I rush over to open it, he does the same. "Balthy, you won't believe it, mikey is home." I say happily. He smiles and climbs out of his window and over the tree and climbs into my window.

"That's amazing hun, do you think sinse he's finally home him and Lucifier will talk about this unspoken thing?" He says laughing. "I don't know, hopefully. Now I'm gonna take a shower. I think someone's making dinner." I say as I grab clothes and hurry to the bathroom.

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