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Please excuse any spelling or grammar errors. Long chapter this time o_O


Author P.O.V

Snow Queen, blasting her ice trail to jump the other roof to another and glancing her back when the Nightmares still chasing her. She dodged every single their shot of black sand. Snow Queen grunted, "Stupid horses,"

She aimed her ice shards to the Nightmares and shot them easily. But then, another attack that breaking her ice trail. She yelped and fell, rolling down to the surface. She grunted as she felt her minor injuries.  The Nightmares bray angrily as they landing on the rooftop and slowly went to her.

"I will shoot, idiots!" Snow Queen raised her hand as she ready to shoot them with her ice. But, until Pitch Black appeared out of nowhere, she stopped herself for a moment as she taken off her guards by his presence.

"Now, this is who I'm looking for," Pitch spoke with his dark chuckled. "Right at the time, without your precious friend,"

Snow Queen's mouth wanted to object that but to think that if she really wanted to deny that they are a friend? After they fought together these days? Her thoughts interrupt when she sees the giant of black sand raised under Pitch commands.

"Good night," Pitch laughed, gesturing his hand towards Snow Queen and the giant wall of black sand goes swarming to her.

Before Snow Queen could react, Snowstorm landed in front of her and stomped his staff as it appeared the giant ice shield, protecting them from the attack. Pitch is not amused by that.

When his attacks failed, Snowstorm turned to clueless Snow Queen. He looks worried as he glanced her injuries on her elbow. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"Do I look alike okay? Where the heck you've been?" Snow Queen grunted, rolling her eyes and same goes with Snowstorm.

"I got--I got busy, I helped the officers caught the bad guys," Snowstorm stated with a slight chuckle. Snow Queen glared but then she pushed Snowstorm to the side when Pitch was trying to whip them with his rope of black sand after he hits their ice shield.

They quickly got up and Snow Queen threw the ice shards towards Pitch. But, he got easily dodged every shot. He attempted to whip again but Snowstorm blasts his ice against him. Pitch jumped back with a grunt, thinking his next move to get Snow Queen's attention.

He glanced the Nightmares then to Snowstorm. They obeyed his intention and went to attack Snowstorm abruptly. Snow Queen wanted to help but she stopped when Pitch brought her off the rooftop to the street by his shadow tricks.

Before Snow Queen went back to her senses, Pitch quickly does the dark magic and aimed at her head just like he used on Snowstorm the other night.

She gasped shakily when she saw everything that she's afraid of. Pitch amused her nightmares, "Yes, be afraid of them," Pitch spoke.

"No..." Snow Queen whined, trying to shake her head in her hands but it won't budge to get it off her head and it's getting worst. "Please stop it," she whimpered.

"You can't escape the nightmare... Feel the fears of what you did from past years ago, Elsa," Pitch chanted, working on with his hands and Snow Queen was screaming.

Snowstorm heard that he glanced down to the street to the where Snow Queen with Pitch. His eyes widened when Pitch wanted to do the same thing like he did on him to Snow Queen. He grunted when the Nightmares keep attack.

Snow Queen keeps screaming, clutching her head as it really hurts. The horrible images flashed through her mind as Elsa remembered everything she did to her bad past. She hates it. She hates to remember that.

Snowstorm & SnowQueen| Jelsa AUWhere stories live. Discover now