Twenty-Four: Ready & Aim

Start from the beginning

Ben leaned his weight on each foot, balancing out his movements to get the right angle while he used one hand to turn his weapon in different directions. He deflected the blasts coming from all directions and in turn, they hit the Stormtroopers that fired them. Almost immediately, he took down two of the guards right in front of him.

While he did this, Ben held out his other arm, using the Force to deflect the blasts on Rey's friend blindside. As far as he knew, he took down a couple Stormtroopers on the left.

Finn easily got his shots in, managing to dodge a couple blast before taking out two Stormtroopers on his side with ease.

Rose was able to get one down on her side, dodging a blast from the remaining one, and hitting another.

Ben got close to one of the Stormtroopers on the left and jabbed his lightsaber backwards, impaling him with it while his other hand blocked the Stormtroopers blasters. He deflected the blasts to the walls around them and then took the Stormtrooper on the left by the Force, pulling him towards him and then pushed him back hard against the wall, hard enough that he heard a crunch under all his armor.

With only one left, Finn easily dodged the couple blasts fired and shot down the remaining Stormtrooper on his side just as Rose finished the last one on hers as well.

Once Ben took back his lightsaber, he walked up to the remaining Stormtrooper on his end, deflecting the blast he fired but instead of it hitting him, he dodged it and it hit the wall once agin. Since Ben was marching right up to him anyways, he threw his lightsaber in the air, waiting as it sliced the neck of one of the remaining Stormtroopers on the left, then another on the right, and it landed back in his hand like a boomerang before he sliced his lightsaber downwards, cutting the Stormtrooper clean through from his torso.

Done with all of that, Ben made his way to the corner, but stopped before turning, waiting for a sign of some sorts that more Stormtroopers were at the corridor. He heard more blasts firing at the left, running footsteps coming towards them from that side. There were more coming, but not down the corridor Rey and Hux took off, Ben thought to himself.

He didn't look back at the pair behind him, knowing they weren't his concern, at least not at the moment. Even though they were her friends, Ben wasn't going to waste his time deciding whom to assist. He chose to find Rey. It was as obvious as someone asking what's the color of the sky. Ben would always choose her.

Finn and Rose continued to hold their end, taking their positions and shooting at the Stormtroopers that tried to head down the corridor on their side. They tried to block out that path so if any of them would down, they would get hit.

Finn glanced over his shoulder and saw Ben taking off around the corner. Well, at least he didn't have to worry about who was going to rescue Rey. Meanwhile, he and Rose could take care of the Stormtroopers.

When Ben started stormed down the corridor, watching that at the end, Rey was standing in the middle of the path, facing the wall to his left, her arm extended out. She had her hand open and fingers spread out. Rey grit her teeth, her face in complete concentration. She was focusing on doing something with the Force.

And right as he was about to question where Hux was, he saw the redhead had his back against the wall across the same direction as her hand. It looked as if he was pushed and held there against his will. But the part that startled Ben was the fact that Hux's hands were clutching his own throat as his feet hovered above the ground.

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