"I love you too." She smiled weakly.

"Okay, Liliana. Are you ready to meet your baby?" Arizona asks walking into the O.R.

"Yeah, let's do this." Lily nods nervously.

"Hey, I've got you. I've got you and the baby both." Arizona assures her.

I take Liliana's hand in mine as Arizona begins the surgery. I was sitting so that I was by Lily's side, but able to see everything that was happening with the surgery. My mind was racing and of course I was nervous, it wasn't easy sitting here watching Lily be operated on. I felt completely useless knowing that I couldn't do anything, but sit here and hope for the best. Knowing that all Liliana and I could do is trust Arizona right now.

"Okay, Liliana I can see the baby's head. I'm about to deliver your baby. You're going to feel a lot of pressure." Arizona says.

"Okay." Lily nods

"You're doing great. Just squeeze my hand as much as you need to." I tell her.  She nodded her head gripping my hand tightly and taking deep breaths as Arizona continued operating.
Within a couple of minutes Arizona delivered our baby and the room filled with her loud cries. Liliana and I both let out a sigh of relief hearing her cry, knowing that she was okay. There aren't words to describe the feeling I felt at that moment. Seeing our baby for the first time. Hearing our baby for the first time. It was the definition of love at first site.

"Oh my God, that's our baby. Our baby's okay." Lily says as tears of happiness began falling from her eyes.

"Yeah, sweetheart. She's perfect." I say tears filling my eyes as well.

"She? We have a baby girl?" She sniffles.

Yes, we have a baby girl." I smile.

"A perfect, healthy beautiful little girl." Arizona says as she carries the baby to the other side of the room to clean her up. I walked over to the other side of room so I could get a good look at my daughter. I couldn't keep a few tears from rolling down my face as I looked at my beautiful baby girl. Once Arizona finished cleaning her up she wrapped her in a nursery blanket before handing her to me. I walked over Liliana so she could see our baby.

"She's so beautiful and perfect. She has your eyes." Liliana smiled weakly reaching over and softly caressing the baby's face.

"Yeah, she does. We created this perfect little girl." I chuckled looking down at our baby as she stared up at me wide awake.

"We did, we did good Avery." She smiled.

"You did good." I said. At that moment words couldn't describe what I felt. Liliana and I finally had a healthy baby, something I don't think either one of us thought would ever happen after we lost George. After going through a loss like that, it made me even more thankful for this moment. This moment of pure happiness, but a moment is just that. A moment. A brief period of time and your life can change completely in those couple of seconds, sometimes for the best, sometimes for the worse. Something I was quickly reminded of as our brief moments of joy were interrupted by the sound of Liliana's monitors beginning to go off.

"Lily, Liliana." I said frantically feeling my heart drop as I looked at her, seeing her eyes flutter shut. "Arizona, Arizona. What's going on? What's happening?" I panicked, causing the baby to begin crying from the sound my voice raising. I began rocking her trying to calm her back down, impatiently waiting for Arizona's answer.

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