~Shortcuts, And Bastard Coronels~

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This sTory is dedicated to my best friend animoonoodle         

She is probably going to be the only one who reads this, but I don't care, as long as she likes it XD. Anyway, this is mainly just as a joke and its not to be taken quite literally lol. I have such loyalty to Fullmetal Alchemist, that I have a Fullmetal Alchemist peppermint tin. Sue me. And my friend here, loves My Hero Academia so much that she wont stop nagging me to watch it.         *still in progress*  Okay well, here ya go. If you don't like it, don't read it. Very simple. You don't have to flame me (pun intended) , but constructed criticism is appreciated! 👌 

Disclaimer: I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist nor, bnha. This particular story contains no profanity, (sadly        ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) except for Edward and Kacchans' foul language

The following paragraphs will be from 3rd POV if you didn't already use your damn brain and figured it out on your own 

Please read the note at the end of the chapter. Well, I guess you don't legally have to, but if you want more information regarding the next chapter and you find yourself confused please do.

 ~Meanwhile, In Central City, Amestris, Central City. 12:14 (fuck you I fixed it)~

    The sound of heavy uneven steps, and metal colliding with the all but smooth pavement lining either sides of the dark, unlit road echoed through out the extremely quiet streets of Central City. On either sides on this road was dim lanterns, just enough to see the sidewalk ahead, placed every 10 feet or so, light reaching about a full 3 feet before fading back into the darkness. Every time the two figures stepped in and out of this continuously diminishing light, a metallic gleam and a flash of dark red could be seen, standing out in the dark and,  unblemished streets. Not that anyone would take notice, as for it was quite late. As the two made their way to their destination, one making a abrupt turn in direction, turning left down an alley way, the notably taller one halted to a stop, turning his armored, yet not present head, to the smaller, cloaked boy.

 "Uhhh...?" the suit of armor said, more to himself but also to get the others attention. "Brother?" The shorter blond continued to lazily walk down the alley way, hands stuffed deep into his coat pockets, ignoring his younger brothers attempt to achieve his awareness. "Brother? . . . .  Brother!"                                                                                                                                                        "What!?" The blond retorted rather harshly.                                                                                                              "You're going the wrong way, Brother. Central Command is-" The boy was cut off mid-sentence.  " I know Al! I'm taking the shortcut."                                                                                                                              ". . . . " Alphonse entered the dark alley, following his elder brother down its lengthy path.             " I don't remember this shortcut, Brother. I don't think this leads anywhere, and besides, HQ isn't that far away." Alphonse replied wryly.                                                                                                              "Yea, well, I just wanna' get there so I can see what ever the hell Colonel Bastard wants, so bad that he couldn't say over the damn phone!" Replied Edward.                                             

". . . . . . Oh okay, but uh-"                                                                                                                                                   "What is it now, Al?" Growled Edward, now stopped in front of the seven-foot-tall suit of armor.     "well I was going to say the we are already late, considering that we were supposed to be there at 10:00 pm so you could hand in your report but didn't, then Mustang called not only reminding you of your late report, but also wanting to see you for something important." Al said quickly with fear lacing his voice." At 11:45 pm." Alphonse added as if it was a after thought, and was going to add that it was currently fourteen past twelve, but decided against it .                                           Edward didn't reply for a moment, as he swiftly turned on his heel towards the end of the alley. As he made his way to the end, looking up at the brick stopping about five feet, then continuing up wards another eight feet, was wired fencing closing off to the next alley lining up to the next street. As Edward saw the fencing, he took a few small steps back, took a brief glance up at the fence, and then sprinted, leaping. He used his left foot as leverage as he made brief contact with the brick. He grasped the fencing with both hands, gazing over his shoulder, at his brother, who was just now hurriedly making his way over to his older brother.                                          "tsk, I never said I was worried about being late, Al, all I said was that I was going to give him my report, see what the hell he wanted from me, and then leave." replied Edward looking back up the fence, and began to ascend upwards, clinging the wire. Alphonse watched as his older brother climbed the fence swiftly, but cautiously. Edward's platform boots were large, and couldn't climb with much ease. As Alphonse watched his big brother climb the eight-foot tall fence, nearing the top, he couldn't help but chuckle at the way he clumsily clambered up the wall of wiring.                                                                                                                                                                              'that's my big brother, he never seizes to amaze me' Al thought, remembering a certain time where Ed decided to attempt to climb a large stone wall, to prove to  Winry,  that he was not, in fact, afraid of heights-

  "Al!, are you coming or what?"
  "Hehe, yes brother, but I still don't see why this is necessary."
  "Al, if you don't want to climb the fence then why don't you just rip it down?" Edward asked with a hint of irritation.
  " brother! I cant do that, that's damaging federal property. And highly unnecessary." Alphonse added
  "Well than climb the damn fence!"
   ". . ."
Alphonse said no more and began to climb the flimsy wire fence, silently praying that it didn't bend under the weight of the two brothers. As Edward reached the top, making sure his clothing wasn't being snagged by the sharp edges of the wire. He then jumped all the rest of the way down not wanting to waste time.
  "Brother,  be careful! You'll end up spraining your stupid ankle that way" Al said as he jumped down as well. Edward didn't respond verbally, as he made some sort of dismissive hand gesture. Alphonse sighed as they began to make their way to central. 

(HEYYYYYYYY ADDED NOTE HERE!!! Anyway, how y'all doin? It's been what, a year? Two years? I don't care, I'm back on this fucking hell app. SO here's whats gonna happen. I'm gonna finish this awful dumpster fire of a piece of literature and then disappear off the face of the earth. Cool? I do this in my free time but I have been writing the story out and planning the chapters and events. So basically, at some point, I am going to just dump all the chapters in your greasy little hands all at once since you waited so long. We all got it? Fucking terrific, you can stop barking at me now.)

~Beyond The Third Gate~  (bnha/fma crossover)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora