-Chapter 7-

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With the adrenaline from the fight slowly fading from your body, you weave through the back streets towards the hideout. 

"Thanks Pops I'll see you back at the hideout. Let me know if you needs anything. Yeah, I'll let you know if we need your help with Sato. Bye." Throwing your phone onto Shimomura's lap as she seats in the passenger seat of the vehicle. letting a large sigh you rub your tired face with a single hand, forcing your eyes to stay open. Hearing a soft and restless rustle of clothing you pull the lighter out of your pocket and toss it towards shimomura. Catching it, her face confused she looks at your actions. Watching as you pull the last cigarette from your pack and placing it in your mouth with one hand, the other now pushing the button controlling the window to go down beside you.  With neither hands on the steering wheel. Placing one back upon the cars steering, you lean towards Shimomura gesturing her to light your addiction. Lighting the golden flame and waiting till the end go the cigarette is lit you take the lighter from her hand. Snapping your wrist so the lid of the lighter clocked back into place, covering the burner. The rustling of the fabric becomes noticeable once more. Shimomura turning her body to face the rear seats she notices Toosaki slowly coming too. Mentioning his name only a couple of times he snaps back into a state of consciousness. 

"Wh- where, am I?" Hearing Tosaki's voice you take a long draw. Removing the cigarette from your mouth you slide her arm back behind the seat you are upon.

"You are going to want to have this before I tell you anything." Feeling Tosaki take the cigarette you watch as he takes a draw in the rear vision mirror. Handing it back to you the remaining three ajins in the car stare at Tosaki in shock and confusion. Shomimura showing the most concern for her hasn't seen Tosaki have a smoke in a long time. 

"We are in our way back to the hid out. I ordered Hirasawa and the others to clean up everything." You explain to Tosaki as your attention is greatly required on the road to avoid traffic. 

"Yeah, I would thank Ms (L/n) for it all. Everything would have gone crazy if she hadn't organised us all." Tosaki looks at you through the rear vision mirror. Meeting his eye for only a moment you look back towards the road before you. 

"What..." Tosaki slowly breathes out. Before he could snap back into a proper state of mind you but in.

"The Americans took you prisoner. The man is dead while the agin got away. She's not going to be a threat anymore. I did what I had to do. My duty first and for most is to ensure your safety and protection. That is exactly what I did." Your voice becoming strong and your view stubborn. 

"What about the schedule?! Shimomura?" Tosaki becomes arranged. Shimomura becomes tense and you can see and sense her uneasiness. A large agitated sigh can be heard from Kei, seated in the left of Tosaki, his head rolling back as his eyes view out the window. 

"So, that is how it is. Placing your own agenda before the mission." Kei's snarky comment infuriates you. You were resisting the urge to pull over the car and beat the shit out of the boy. 

"What is he talking about (Y/n)?" Tosaki places a hand on the shoulder of your seat, his fingers grasping the fabric tightly. 

"It was today wasn't it? ANSWER ME?" Tosaki's voice rising along with his rage. 

"What do you think! HA!" Getting angry and snarly yourself you snap back at Tosaki.

"What were you thinking? Not even a word to Nagai, all that planning for nothing. What about you Shimomura. You didn't even thinks to stop her?!" Tosaki projecting his rage from you to the innocent girl seated next to you.

"You leave her out of this. I pulled rank and ordered them to follow my instruction. So don't thinks that you have the right to yell at anyone in this CAR BESIDES ME!" Pulling on the brakes you turn you whole upper body to face Tosaki and leaning closely towards him. Your rage getting the better of you, it was starting to show. With your eyes blending in with the sky that covers you. Tosaki does not react to you outburst, continuing to bluntly look at you in rage. 

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