-Chapter 5-

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Arising from your time of slumber, a figure seats up next to you. Glasses in his hand as he rubs them clean with a white, blindingly light cloth. Your eyes tired and still full of sleep your head shift to look at his face as he directs it towards you. 

"How did you sleep? You kept tossing and turning, as well as screaming." Your figure seats up as Tosaki speaks words of worry. 

"Yeah, I figured. Those memories finally left me, but it wasn't till earlier this morning." You watch Tosaki as he moves standing from the bed you shared the past night. 

"Okay time to get dressed, we are finishing off preparations for training today." Tosaki gets up buttoning up his grey shirt. Looking down at yourself you realise that you are only in your white singlet under shirt and simple black underwear, concluding that you threw your clothes away from your body in the night, you remove the covers from your body standing up upon the ground before the opposite side of the bed. Tosaki hearing your movements he turns to inquire what you are doing. His face tinting the colour of pink as he looks as your barely covered state. 

"Tosaki, stop looking at my ass." You snark at him, cheekiness coming off in your tone. His head quickly shoots forwards facing the door that releases you from the room. The sound of material shifting as you wrap it all around your body. Placing your pants on your legs, pulling the band up to your hips, blouse slipping onto your arms, sleeves rolled much like Tosaki's. Leaving the blouse open and undone you turn to Tosaki. 

"Done." His head turning towards you as you greatly smile at him, he grunts. Walking over to your form, footsteps gaining pace as he walks, around the bed, standing before you. 

"Button up your shirt." He demands. Not wanting to listen to what he says, your perform no action that show you are doing as he wants. 

"Aghh, fine come here." He takes one steps closer to you. Grasping the corresponding sides of your blouse that are planned to come together he slips one button after another. His hands making their way down the blouse's join. Watching his hands as he trails down through the assortments of buttons you turn your head up to face his. Looking up at him, in his eyes you mumble words.

"Thank you. For everything." Your words traveling to his ears as he makes it to the last and final button on your blouse. Your eyes pair with his, for a few moments you were able to focus upon his own, to watch the colour leaking through them along with emotion. His eyes focusing upon your own, watching the emotions playing in your eyes. But this time was brief, for a knock disturbs your lustrous state. 

"Ahh, (Y/n) its time for breakfast." A soft knock followed by a young nervous boys voice travels through the timber constructed door. 

"Come on lets go, I need to start off the day so I don't have to pay attention to my thoughts." You gesture for Tosaki to initiate his steps of walking. As he starts so do you, closely following behind his toned figure. The door swing open as Tosaki commands it to with the control of his hand. 

"MRS TOSAKI! Wait what are you doing h-"Ko's voice grows louder and louder as you along with Tosaki exit from your private quarters. 

"Ahhhh (Y/n) are you and Mr Tosaki, WAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" Ko's question coming to his own swift, lewd conclusion. 

"KO SHUT UP!" Smacking your fist upon the boys head he collapses down to his knees. 

"NO Tosaki and I are not a thing, did you not hear him last night, I wasn't in a conscious mental state. What you think I'm going to have sex with my boss when I don't have all of my faculties together." You become enraged at Ko's behaviour once more. Ko whimpers as he scurries away from your terrifying form. A gentle feeling is felt upon your head. Softly moving your hair back and forth. Tosaki gently rubbing your hair with his palm, as if he is trying to rub away all your anger.

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