-Chapter 6-

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"Shimomura I have the USB drive I am on my way back to the hide out now." You ignite the call between you and the women of close importance to you.

"NO! Mr Tosaki has been taken by the Americans!" She screams through the device connecting the pair of you.

"WHAT! How could that happen?!" You question back, anger seeping through towards her.

"The women that accompanies the man, she's an Ajin." Your facial expression enraged, your eyes growing in cautious pain.

"So whats the plan do you want me to come back and we continue with the plan to capture Sato or go after Tosaki?" You question Shimomura through your ear piece, watching your rear view mirror at the cars positioned behind you as you make you way out of the city streets.

"Well. um ah I'm not sure." Shimomura stutter unknowing on what actions are to be taken next.

"Tosaki would say we need to continue with the plan. But I'm not Tosaki now am I. We are going after him." You can feel Shimomura feeling anxious on the other end of the electrical line.

"Shimomura don't worry I will take all responsibility so any punishment he has planned it will be all on me." You respond award of her cautiousness towards going against Tosaki's orders.

"Shimomura where are your know?" You glance once more at the mirror exposing the background to your eyes as you start to travel from urban to country.

"I'm at the turn off to the hide out." She replies her voice caught in her breath.

"Get everyone into the main room, once your inside and everyone is there, put me on speaker." Hearing the sound of crushing stones beneath rubber wheels. A slamming of rubber on metal then wood on wood. Hearing her panting as she comes to a halt, a technological click then edited from the phone alerting you for the phone now to be in a state of loud speaker.

"Okay no time for explaining. Everyone listen to me now!" You yell into the phone. The sound traveling trough the speakers at the opposite end. Pulling over on the road, gravel being crushed as the brakes lock into position.

"(Y/n) is that you?" Ko asks bluntly in question

"Yes Ko, now shut up and listen! Mr Tosaki has been taken by the two Americans currently in the country trying to look for Ogura. They have figured out that we have him and we are going after Tosaki."

"No we cannot jeopardise the plan to capture Sato!" Nagai steps in, tone commanding and ordering as he tries to pressure his views into play.

"Shut up Nagai. I am the highest ranking personnel present so you either take my orders or get a fucking beating!" Kei silences and listens to your orders.

"Okay Hirasawa, can you find a place that we can hide out in short notice?" You quickly question the man seen as the co-ordinator of the members.

"Yes, I can." His voice booming as steps appear as he vanishes.

"Okay good, the rest of you start packing, we are moving he hide out just incase this plan goes south." You command figures of names unknown to you.

"(Y/n), how do you know where Mr Tosaki is?" Shimomura asks, worryingly.

"Cause I am a smart asshole and trained in the highest devisions of the army I have the ability to access all kinds of information. Shimomura get onto my laptop now, there is a access file in the top right corner of the screen. Open it." Shuffing is heard and the clicking of keys alert your attention to the conclusion that they have found and accessed your personal laptop.

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