New People New Proof

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Chloe's P.O.V

After dinner, I ran upstairs to my room and just laid on my bed staring at the plain ceiling. I decided to get up and unpack some things. My clothes were already hung up and my dressers were all In place. I put up a few soccer posters, Put up some shelves, and hung a couple things on the wall. I put on some shorts and a t-shirt jumped under the covers and went on my phone.

The picture I found in one of the boy's room still flew around in my mind. Does that mean dad had another child? Was that even dad? I was getting so stressed out. I was still debating if I should tell Nic or not. She might not believe me but then again I'm her sister. She has to believe me.

Alright screw it. I quietly walked into Nicole's room and slowly sat on the end of her bed. "Hey so I saw this picture in the house next door and I think It was d-dad" I said quickly letting out a deep breath in the end of it all. She looked confused but not convinced. "It's been a really long day, Your probably seeing things." She said but it was hard to tell that she was even paying attention because she was on her phone.

"Okay fine then go see for yourself in the morning." I said, I walked out the door and closed it behind me so she couldn't answer. I crawled into bed and sighed soon drifting to sleep.

Nicole's P.O.V

I woke up to the smell of eggs and bacon. The smell of it rose me out of bed, So out the door I went. I made my way downstairs and saw Chloe practically eating the plate, Someone's hungry.

"Hey hun, Hungry?" My mother said when she saw me out of the corner of her eye. I nodded and rubbed my eye. I took a seat next to Chloe as mom served me. "Mom actually cooked great this morning" Chloe whispered from behind her plate and I chuckled.

After eating I ran upstairs and to the bathroom to freshen up after I put on some black shorts a red top, my black converse and ran down stairs and out the door to go on a walk. I knew that there was a park down the street and I would just go sit on a bench there.

I got a text from Chloe as I was about to read it I then bumped into some one who looked drunk. Very drunk. "Oh sorry!" I said and the man just groaned "Are you okay?" I asked and he slurred out "I need to get home" He tried to wobble away but fell over.

I hesitated before I went to help him up. "Come with me" I said and started to walk back to my house. I can't just leave him at the park drunk. I held onto his fore arm and helped him walk, He was completely hammered.

I checked my phone and read Chloe's text 'Bring home cookies and milk' I scoffed and helped him to my front door. I went into the house and Chloe was on the couch and she looked at me surprised "I said bring home cookies and milk not a drunk homeless person"

I rolled my eyes and struggled with the guy to try and lift him "Where's mom and dad?" I asked "Dad went to work and mom is out applying for the open police job, A-are you sure they are okay with this?" She asked and I said "Who said they would know about this?"

She gave me a worried look and I started up the stairs with the man. Opening my door I threw him on my bed and he got situated. I sighed out of breath and covered him up with the blanket. Boy is he heavy


About 2 hours later he came stumbling down the stairs "Where am I?" he said rubbing the back of his head. "Well you were drunk so I brought you to my house to sleep it off" I said carefully choosing my words. After a minute of just sitting there I spoke up again. "Come on I'll drive you home"

He nodded groggily and followed me. I grabbed my keys and we went to the car. He was still a bit tired so I asked "Where do you live?" He yawned and told me his address. I started to drive down the street when he said "Sorry for being so reckless, I'm Tom" I chuckled

"It's okay Tom, It wasn't much trouble. I'm Nicole" I said smiling warmly and he tried his best to return it. As we turned on the corner he said "Right here" I stopped and he started to get out "Thanks for the lift" I smiled "No problem, Maybe we could hangout sometime when your not hungover" He chuckled and waved bye as I did too. I started to drive down the road to get back home.


Chloe's P.O.V

I sat on the kitchen counter unpacking a few things and putting them in the correct cabinets. Nicole was bringing a man home. We have been here two days and she already brought a man home!

I threw the cardboard box in the recycle and went to grab my shoes. Nicole was going to be back any minute now and I wanted to be ready. This is really important and I need to get proof.

Our dad can be kind of a jerk sometimes. Just being honest. Mom is a badass. I sometimes believe that she can beat our dad up. I chuckled to myself. I put my shoes on and grabbed my hoodie from nearby.

I zipped up my sweater and heard the front door open. I quickly went over to Nic. "We need to go get proof" I said and dragged her out the front door with me.

She followed me saying "Proof of what?" I stopped in the little hallway of moss and bricks that separated the two houses "Proof that dad might have another child" I said sternly

She rolled her eyes "Your still on that?" She groaned I sighed "This is something that I just cant let go" I went under an open window and looked at Nicole "I'm gonna get you your proof"

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