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~ Secrets and lies hidden in these many walls with many, many eyes ~

"Are you ready?"

The man gulps nervously before nodding his head slowly and letting out a large breath that he's been holding for far too long; it can't be healthy. This is it. This is the new life, the new time and the new chapter for him. Granted, it will probably be the last chapter in his book,, he can't really afford to do much else, for many factors but it's still new nonetheless.

"Remember to bow as you greet the great king"

"I must bow and stay knelt until he deems me fit enough to stand. I must not speak out of turn either"

The man recites the first two of many rules and the other man beside him nods with a smile,

"You will do well here Taehyung. They will look after you as long as you do your duty and provide them with the same care and courtesy"

"They will also keep me poor so that I can't flee" Taehyung mutters bitterly making the man beside him sigh,

"It would be best for you to keep that attitude out here and away from the prying eyes and ears in the walls of the castle okay? Even if it is true, you must not speak out of turn or speak evil of any kind here. Every wall has eyes and all of them have their own agendas"

Taehyung furrows his eyebrows at the warning because either that means that almost every worker here would happily throw others under the bus without hesitation or there is more to it. However, with the little money that every worker here owns, revenge is probably the meaning of the warning.

"Is there anything else that i should be looking out for?" He questions and the other man hums in thought for just a moment before an unreadable emotion flashes through his eyes as they widen,

"There is. There are secrets here as well, just like any other household. You mustn't speak a word of it and you mustn't hunt for it"

"Why can't I go and look for their secrets? They apparently must know all of mine"

The man rolls his eyes at the younger's antics because he really needs to learn the rules of this and he needs to learn quickly. If he doesn't, he'll end up dead.

"Stay in your lane Taehyung"

Taehyung defeatedly sighs and simply nods, shoulders dropping a little at the lack of excitement. He thought he would feel much happier about this entire situation than he actually does.

"Is it a secret I could only find by hunting for it?"

"It's nothing you should worry yourself about"

Taehyung finally gives up questioning the older beside him, knowing it won't get him anywhere. If anything, he needs to have his commander by his side during this time or else he won't have anyone to help fight in his corner. His commander is the only one that will do that.

"Let's go"

As the firm knock on the door rings out, Taehyung feels his heart pump rapidly in his chest and maybe he isn't ready for this after all. However, he doesn't have a choice now.

The door swings open to reveal the most exquisite hallway Taehyung has ever seen in his life and the maid who opened the door courtesy's at them both with a warm smile. She guides them in, silently, to the drawing room where Taehyung's jaw hits the floor again within seconds. A slight nudge from the commander prompts him to close it but inside he's still staring in awe.

Above the large fireplace hangs a family portrait of the king, the queen and their two children; a prince and a princess. Instead of looking at the painting as a whole, Taehyung feels his eyes being drawn to the prince who stands with a bored expression, like the rest of the family, but he also looks uncomfortable. As if he's sitting on something to hide it from the rest.

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