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there was something about the city at night that jungkook always found so alluring.

like right now, when it was pouring with rain and the streets are cleared, everyone seeking refuge in the warmth of their houses,
he sat.
he sat in the same stance he had adopted now for the last two weeks, hand pressed against the cool glass, the coldness a quick relief from the heat raging in his mind.
he watched as the raindrops hit the window, sliding down the glass and conjoining near the end where the pane finished and they fell together.
it had come to this- unearthing idle metaphors from simple things like rain that had come to hold so much significance.
he shifted a finger to trace a small droplet that had separated from the rest, watching and feeling it dance in between bigger ones that seemed to control everything else.
beyond it was a solitary street light, persistent in standing its ground, the amber glow never faltering.
they were so easily manipulated; and again, he found it easy; too easy, to replicate this with reality.

it was colder today.
not just in temperature- something had changed since the last time he watched the city through the night.
he contemplated for a second, thinking over what could have caused the change in feeling. he never once drew his eyes away from the streetlight, now distorted by the raindrops like a truth moulded to seem more 'believable'.

again, he realised, he had spoken from experience. fucking experience.

the whole thing was, he decided, pointless in that it was all so sheltered- the transparency of the glass should in theory allow you to see through it, yet it was obstructed so easily by feeble constructs.
he laid back between the pillows, adjusting himself so he could no longer feel where one pillow began and the other ended.
he breathed out, allowing his eyes to flutter shut, listening to the hurried footsteps of the rain until he fell asleep.


jungkook walked, phone clutched in one hand, heart in the other, looking down at the pavement defective in its age.
he was in a bad mood.
he always was; always when he didn't have anything to be preoccupied with.
it was spring break, much to his evident trepidation that he didnt have anything to fill the day with.
he decided soon after he might as well waste a few hours inside a café; he could read or listen to music and either way it was better than sitting outside where the weather had cast a disdainful aura on everything.
he turned the corner where he could see the a coffee shop up ahead. he sighed and carried on walking, keeping his head down so not to attract any attention.

a bell chimed as he pushed open the door, a gust of warm air welcoming him and sending his hair back in a flurry of dark locks. he shook it back across his forehead and searched for a table across the fairly crowded room.
upon arriving he noticed an upstairs, but settled on the fact that it would be easier to leave if he was downstairs.
he walked up to the counter, quietly ordering a white coffee with three sugars; the barista shooting him questioning looks over the cashier as if wondering how he could drink something so sweet.
he placed the change on the counter and was about to leave when he heard someone order strawberry mikshake with extra strawberries behind him, soon realising the voice belonged to someone he recognised.

he cursed his own stupidity- he could have chosen any cafe, any fucking cafe and he had to chose this one.
he pulled his hood up further, sinking into the oversized jumper hoping the latter wouldnt be able to distinguish him from anyone else.
alas, this was not the case.
"jeon jeongguk. we meet again."
he turned, much to his displeasure, to meet taehyungs stare.
"yes. we do."
"it seems i was wrong. i should, in light of the night prior, reconsider who i tell my name to." taehyung declared, smiling widely at him.
"yes. not that i care. obviously."
"no, of course not. and i see, you're continuing your edgy, 'i have so many issues' facade from last night."
jungkook snorted. "you say it like i don't have issues."
"oh, because you're so problematic?" taehyung challenged.
jungkook smirked, grabbing his drink and starting to walk away. "that's for me to know and you never to find out."
he sat down at the window seat furthest away, not hesitating to roll his eyes when taehyung followed suit to sit in front of him.
"ooh. i bet you're one of those mysterious guys that no one knows anything about. you know, like, when this girl takes of her glasses and gets her braces taken off and suddenly she's beautiful and everyone wants to die for her? like that." taehyung sat back grinning proudly, waiting for jungkooks response.

"did you just compare me to an ugly girl with glasses?" he replied, his stare boring emotionlessly into taehyungs eyes.
"i-uhh...yes. i think i just did." he replied,staring challengingly at him.
"now i'm offended." jungkook said, using the words the other had used just a few hours earlier.
taehyung smiled again, filling his whole face making his eyes sparkle. "you remembered! " i assumed you wouldnt. you know, again with your whole moody 'i don't care' thing going on i thought i'd hardly make a lasting impression."
"well, you're right there." he remarked, "but i do care about some things. like, how people can drink strawberry milkshakes. or, milkshakes at all. they're so... artificial and fake. like most teenage girls nowadays." he added, sipping his coffee thoughtfully, and choosing to avoid taehyungs indirect question by attacking what the other saw as 'good' drink qualities.
"nope. i refuse to back down on this one. strawberry is good.  its sort of a good thing for me. like, it symbolises something to me."

jungkook scoffed. "oh yes, im sure you hold strawberries very close to your heart."

"its not funny! and yes, i do. it reminds me of the summers with my family, and good times. its a happy feeling."
"i get that." he reasoned.
it was taehyungs turn to laugh. "what, you get happiness? im shocked! i thought you were incapable of possessing any emotions? !" he faked falling back in his chair, clutching his heart.

jungkook rolled his eyes. "yes, i do. but you wouldn't understand."
taehyung leaned forward, cupping his chin in his hands and winking. "try me, jeon jeongguk."
"yeah, uh, thats not happening. whats happening is, im going to leave, and then you're going to leave, ten minutes after any time from right now. does that sound good? great. have a good day."
he got up, downing the dregs of his drink.
"actually, i don't really care. just... have a decent day."
he left, the door swinging shut behind him. taehyung shook his head, wondering why he's choosing to co operate with such a person. he sat back, watching jungkooks figure get smaller and smaller has he walked away until he was just a tiny pinprick in between everybody else.

he smiled, lifting the glass to his lips, grimacing in agreement with jungkook. he actually does have a point. strawberry flavoured milkshake is gross.

a/n :~ oohh we love angsty jungkook😂 okay i'm pretty sure this is gonna be a completely shit show so like to the 3 people reading this iM SO SORRY BARE WITH ME

aliveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora