Day 4:1

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Mitchie's  POV

So after a good night sleep I was not refreshed. Toiling around in my sheets trying to get comfy and NOT THINK ABOUT SHANE. Anyway, in the end I think I had maybe 2-3 hour kip last night; let's just say - not the best idea. Today I've got song writing, guitar and... singing-the one lesson I wanted to avoid. I'm shy just being myself so how am I meant to inform of him and not be scared or show any indexation that I like. God I wish Barney was here. (Barney is the family dog who is like Mitchie's best friend) I tell him everything. He's been through thick and thin; all my broken hearts, failed exams and falling outs with my friends. Talking to him releases my anxiety and stress. It's not the same without him.

While at breakfast, I sat with Caitlyn, Peggy and Nate. I could hardly tell them how I was feeling because Nate is Shane's brother; who I think will definitely tell him the gossip. I sat in silence, not uttering a sound.

Time past and I told Caitlyn how I felt once we return back to our cabin for 10 mins. I couldn't go into to much due to the time limit but she got the picture. She could say much other than "I am here for you, remember that!" before Peggy took her away to class. It was now time for me to go to song-writing - luckily without Shane present.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jun 01, 2018 ⏰

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