Day 1 : 1

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"Hurry up Mitchie, we want a good spot at opening jam!" Screeched Caitlyn.

"What's opening jam?" I questioned.

Caitlyn look at me puzzled.
"It's only the best concert before Final Jam.

"OMG I'm so confused, you could have told me all this back at the cabin!!" I shouted, frustratedly.

"Oh ye, sorry."

"Oh well lets just get to 'opening jam'."

We've got her just in time as Brown announced the opening of Camp rock.

"Welcome to Camp Rock!" He shouted through a microphone and the whole camp cheered.
"I see some new faces in the crowd and I hope you enjoying!"
"Now lets start opening jam with Connect 3, my three nephews, Shane..."
As Shane turned around we starred in each other's eyes, the noise starting to fade around us. I can't be in love yet I've never been in love with anyone. I quickly put my head and everything car back to normal.

They start to sing 'music's in my soul' and the crowd goes wild although I've never heard it before they must have.

After there performance Brown attends the stage again, "So you've heard these sing is there anyone in the audience who would like to show us what they've got?" He questioned.

The crowd went silent until Caitlyn spoke out, "Mitchie will!"

I looked at her in pure shock. I whispered to her "but I can't sing!"
"Omg Mitchie then why did you come here to camp rock?" She looked confused.
"Because I want an adventure and to get better at song writing." That was the actual truth although I can sing but not infront of an audience.

Nobody wanted to sing on stage and Brown was about to give up until this pretty girl stepped out of a black limo in shades. She was dressed is designer clothes and didn't look as though she was in the right place. A load of girls ran up to her screaming "Tess" so I think that's her name.

"She's Tess, Tess Tyler"
"What the daughter of the TJ Tyler!?" I wailed to Caitlyn.
She rolled her eyes at me and so was everyone else, I might have said that a bit too loud.
"Yes Mitchie she's TJ's daughter."
I was so confused on why she was here and why Caitlyn wasn't too enthusiastic on her presents.

"Why is she here?" Said this girl called Peggy, her and Caitlyn was quite close and with the way she was speaking it seemed she'd been here before.

"Brown I'll happily perform with my three back-up singers in opening jam!" Barked Tess.

Caitlyn, Peggy and Ella looked at each other and walked away. Being in my own I followed. They told me that last year she got them to sing back-up as they where the new girl so wanted to feel special. They didn't know what they was doing however, they told me not to do the same mistake because as soon as Tess knows I'm new she'll try and persuade me. Well even if Tess does try and make me sing with her it's an easy NO as I don't sing in front of a crowd.

Opening Jam wasn't very successful, well I don't think as we left once Tess sang. But let's see if are lessons are any better.
Editors note
Tomorrow's a new day for Mitchie and her friends but does the look between Mitchie and Shane mean anything in the future.
Please go and read my other story 5sos | Accident.
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- Emma

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