Part 3:3

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I cautiously turned my head to see who was behind me...
"Why do you look so worried mate?, it's just me!" She said.

"OMG Caitlyn don't do that too me again!" I screamed at her putting her in her place.

"Fine, Sooooo tell me how it went with Shane?" Caitlyn questioned.

"Ewww you make as though we're going out and you want to hear they yucky stuff!" I grossed out while saying, pulling a weird face.

"Well it would be cute if you went out and you was gone for quite a while!" She winked at me.

"NO Caitlyn, I told him strictly friends nothing else." I shouted because I didn't believe it myself.

"Jheeze dude alright but you still haven't told me how it went?" She asked.

"I'll tell you back at the cabin."

"Let's gooo"
We walked quite quickly to our cabin. That's surprising because we aren't the fitness fanatics, we still love our chocolate and cakes. I suppose Caitlyn just wanted to hear the gossip.

So once we got back we had a hot chocolate and a bowl of sweets and pop corn, she was acting as though this was a movie "THE SHANE AND MITCHIE MOVIE" like eww NO. So anyway I told her everything. Even the gross bits where he said "I care about you." She thought it was cute but to me it wasn't.

We just went on and on, on past relationships bear in mind I've only ever had 1 and hopefully Shane might be my next. Ewww no he doesn't like me so there's no point in trying. He probably likes someone else and will never get over her. Gosh, how can I like someone like this.

After staying up till 11 I was shattered. I'd had too much stress that my head was like mush and also I'd used too many tears throughout the day. Jheeze aren't boys confusing.
I went to sleep thinking about Shane, only as friends, and what we'd been through today. If I had just believed him we wouldn't be in this mess. Well anyway what I go to sleep thinking about never features in my dream. I think I was dreaming about me being an actress in Emmerdale. Gosh I do miss a great British soap. Now I'm into Arrow, don't even get me started on Gossip Girl (did you know: in America they have a national holiday for Gossip girl, amazing) however inside all I want to think about is Shane because I don't think I'll get over him for a while.

You could say it was love at first sight.
Editors note
Sooo guys in back

I'm so sorry that I've bit been writing that's because of all the course work I've been given at school. Doesn't everyone just hate school.
Anyway sorry it's short but it's the end of day 3 and on to day 4 next week.

You could say these are the thought and feeling I've had for the past months or so.

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Love all my readers

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