Camp rock

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Omg! It's just a head of me! I can't wait!

Oh. Hang on, I'm alone. I've got no one. Oh why did I come here, it's a stupid idea!

I've got to conquer my fear. It's a once in a life opportunity and I'm going to make friends even though I can't sing.

The ...sign. It...'s ...just ...above I can't breath! I need a photo to show my friends back at home. Oh, I have no signal. They'll think I've fallen off the face of the world. Oh no, they'll be so made. I would have made them worry about nothing.

Once I settled down out of my mere fatale panic attack I pulled out my bucket list. One thing you should really know about is that every holiday or trip I go on, I'll always make a bucket list. This is me.

Bucket list
1) take photo with camp sign.
2) take photo of camp fire.
3) face my fear and ride a canoe.
4)take photo with new friends (if I get any)
5)take aesthetic photos.
6) make music.

I'm here under the sign, noes my chance to tick off bucket list number one.

Done. Now it's time for the best part... Finding my cabin and sleeping!!

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