Day 2 : 1

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Last night Caitlyn and I stayed up late as we still wanted to get to know each other and how better than playing truth or dare. By the end of it I had a moustache out of sharpie, flour all in my hair and had to text Caitlyn's friend from school 'I think you fit I just want to fuck you!' Like ew I would never say that to anyone not even my boyfriend, if I had one. Well at least I wasn't as bad as Caitlyn. She was sat in a bowl of water, had a tomato ketchup face mask but worst of all I made her rip a poster of Calum Hood from 5 sos in half and she was bawling her eyes out. I know that's harsh but hey it's a game.

1st lesson : swimming in the lake.
2nd lesson : song writing
3rd lesson : guitar
4th lesson : free period
5th lesson : singing

I was most looking forward to sons writing as that's all I really came to do and that's a dream of mine. I know songwriters not really get noticed but I just want to hear my songs sang but famous pop stars.

"Maybe I could make one for Connect 3 to sing!?" I whispered, well I thought I did.

"Omg that's a great idea, maybe they'll be in one of your classes!" Caitlyn answered.

I didn't really want to it was just an idea I wasn't being serious.

"I'll see!" I didn't want to put her hopes down, I was being considerate.

Lesson 1 : swimming
I love swimming but I'm really self-conscious in front of strangers. But I'm glad that Caitlyn's with me as we'd became really close and I weren't alone.

We go to the changing rooms to get ready. Everyone's wearing bikinis and I have a one piece and it's a professional one as well. I really don't fit in here but I'm stuck here for 4 more weeks. Great!

As we go outside I see everyone's stood in a line, I look down and see the boys... Shit! Why is Shane here, the last person I want to see here. Well as soon as we get in lake he won't be able to see my body.

"Okay boys and girls welcome to your first lesson at Camp Rock!" Miss Langton cheered, and so did everyone else.

"I think you can guess what we're doing here? Well before we start I've put you into partners for safety reasons." She stated and everyone became silent. I guess they didn't like the idea of that.

As a few names had already been put into partners me and Caitlyn was still left.

"... Peggy, you're with Mike.
Mackenzie, you're with Cody.
Caitlyn, you're with..."
All I wanted her to say was Mitchie as I didn't want to go with anyone else but her.
Nate seriously why not me, I need her.
Shit, shit I don't want to be in this lesson anymore.
"'re with Shane"
Ffs I can't, this has to be a dream. Then I felt his hand touch my arm. I shivered by his presents, this wasn't a dream it was in real life so I hope this 45 mins goes fast.

"So can you swim?" He asked I couldn't tell whether he was as scared as me.

" Erm Ye can you, Shane?" I asked, it was obvious that I was scared.

"Yes I can but you seem scared." Omg, he can tell I'm scared. I'm making a foul of myself.

"It's just the shock of the water, that's it." Lie

"Oh, hold my hand so I keep you warm if you're cold." He suggests.

How could I say no, all I want is some contact with him but I don't want it to become awkward.

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