Chapter 4

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 Beth's Pov

We all yelled in unison"YOU KNOW THEM!!!!!!" She nonchalantly replied back,"Yes I do. In fact, I was the one who helped Mike propose to Bella"

Flash back.....

I met Bella in my Biology lab. Today we had to examine the internal parts of a cockroach and she started freaking out. I asked her whether this is her first lab class, she shook her head and told me that she was suffering from Necrophobia.

I cooled her down and took the permission of the teacher to take her to the clinic. While waiting in the medical room, Bella was explaining that she was part of the school dance group and how she was selected for the inter-school dance competition.

After the last bell rang, Bella and I had to get separated as Mike was planning to drop her. I proceed to the parking lot and found all of them leaning against the car and busy scrolling their phones. Then one thing caught my eye.

That girl was leaning against Ash and "trying" to flirt with him by caressing his shoulder but Ashton pulled back from her grip and distances himself from her. The way she stared at him makes me want to hurl

As I reach the car, Ashton ha a grin plastered across his face as he looks at me.

Melissa jogs up to me and gives me a slight hug. My whole body was hyper-focused at the devil. She headed towards us and held out her hand"I am Amelia". I put on a fake smile"Elizabeth" as I shook her hand as I could smell the intoxicating perfume she was wearing. She briefly lowered her eyebrows and wrinkled her nose in what I was sure was in disgust

I was never a fashionable person and always opt for wearing joggers and tank tops so I was never conscious of what people thought about my dressing sense.

I try not to be offended as Amelia turns around and leans near Ashton's ear and told in which was supposed to be seductive tone,"So Ashton, I'm hosting a party this weekend and was wondering if you would come."He shook his head and told in an annoyed tone" Sorry Amelia but Mel and I are having a swim meet that day so I won't be able to join you." 

She shows an offended expression but quickly covers it up by batting her eyelashes and telling "It's OK. Maybe I can come and cheer you guys." He was gonna reply back when Mel interrupted" Ya sure. Why not??? It'll be fun!!!" 

Amelia hugged Mel and started squeaking and she gave Ashton a quick peck in his cheek before she waved us goodbye. 

Ashton glared at Mel and got inside the car slamming the door. He was fuming with anger.

Mel being the  oblivious little angel she  did not think much about it and quietly got inside.This girl is way too naive for her own good. Hikari and I followed behind not uttering a word. 

Ash was quiet the entire journey and Mel seeing that no one was going to talk anytime soon turned the radio on and hummed the songs being played the entire time.

Once we reached my house Mel turned around and suddenly asked" Guys how about you come to my place today... like a sleepover!! we can have so much fun and my parents are out so we can have the whole house to ourselves". Hikari and I mumbled our yes's.

 Noticing that Ashton had not yet replied Mel eagerly asked " What about you Ashton?". Ashton turned his head to the window and started staring at the pigeons . She sighed,"What did I do now Ash?" she asked.

 Ashton quickly replied, "Why did you invite Amelia to our swimming meet???".  "What's wrong in Amelia coming to cheer us in the swim meet?" Mel asked innocently. He whined like a kid "She is sooo damn annoying!!!!". 

Mel retorted back "We can't just ignore her, she's  our friend." "Friend? How do you call her a friend when all she does is throw herself on me every time she is with us??" he snapped and continued " I know I am hot and all but that girl needs to  understand that I am not interested in her and for all that matters I will never be.Have you ever seen the amount of make-up she wears.That girl legit baths in make-up". 

I sighed with content to know that Ashton is not interested in that devil aka Amelia. "Amelia is just a touchy person Ashton and do not talk about her in such a manner" Mel retorted in an irritated and stern voice. A fun fact about Melissa is that one should never mess with people she cares about or else she will make your life a living hell. 

But this didnt stop Ashton from continuing, "Next time,  she would try cuddling me then don't tell me that she is just a"lovey-dovey " person" he said and muttered under his breath , " its about time you stopped being naive Mel or else people will take advantage of you" before storming out of the car.

 "Ashton please come back !!!" Mel called out softly but later yelled "ASHTONNNN!!!!".She continued, "Come back here right now you dumb idiot or else i will never speak to you again!!" she said. Ashton ignored her and continued walking to his house. 

" I AM SERIOUS!!" Mel screamed again. When she understood he would not be coming back she said aloud with a sad tone, "If you don't wanna talk to me anymore, the least you can do is tell it to me straight up instead of ignoring me..... " It seems like both Ash and Mel forget the existence of two people sitting at the back aka me and Hikari. 

The ride to Mel's house was a silent on too.

When we made it to Mel's mansion. Hikari and I got off and headed to her home while she parked her car in the garage.

Mel's house looked exactly the same as I remember only more beautiful. The last time I came here, we tried arranging Mel's room and lets just say that we transformed this place into a landfill. Ahhhh....... Good days

Mel came inside and announced,"We should do a movie marathon." We all started quarrelling on different movies. Hikari mostly opted for romance or chick flick. Mel surprisingly suggested for an animated movie.

After an hour-long discussion, we all agreed on a Marvel movie marathon.

After 4 hours of consecutively watching Ironman and Captain America, we decided to take a break. Hikari and Mel went to the kitchen to get more snacks and I went to the washroom. After doing my business I come out and saw that Hikari and Mel have still not come back. So I went to the balcony in Mel's room to get some fresh air. The breeze was cool and refreshing, suddenly I heard the rustling of the leaves. Someone was hiding behind the bushes!! but who?? "Hey there who-" before i could finish my sentence the hooded figure started to run. That was creepy... WHO THE HELL WAS THAT ??

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