Chapter 2: A Sweet ̶F̶i̶r̶s̶t̶ Second Impression

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Saiki sighs at his classmate's immaturity. The transferee was scheduled to come today and all the males in the class are going insane.

Apparently, Murata has already spoken to this girl in the morning and he was spilling everything he knew about her in the 30 seconds that they met. What can you tell from a person in such a short period of time?

"What's there to say? She's smokin' hot." Murata smirks as he leans further back in his chair. Saiki secretly hopes he would fall backward.

"You're stupid Murata. Your taste in women has always been off." Yokata scoffs, which triggers a chain reaction of the other boys bobbing their heads up and down heads knowingly. "She's probably really ugly."

That's no way to address anybody, let alone a future classmate. Saiki resists the urge to roll his eyes. Good grief.

"What is everyone talking about?" Teruhashi appears in the doorway making all her fans let out a little 'ofu'.

"Ahaha, we were just discussing the new student that's coming in!" Yokata laughs sheepishly as he basks in Teruhashi's beauty.

Why don't you tell her how you called the new student ugly without even seeing her?

"Oh, (L/n)-chan? I met her on the streets yesterday. She was super cute and polite, I think you guys would like her!" Teruhashi beams a smile that lights up the whole room.

"W-well, if Teruhashi-san thinks she's cute, then we do too...!" All the other boys in the class practically faint with happiness.

"Hey, pal!" Good grief, nuisance #1 is back to annoy him.

"You excited about the new student?" Nendo slung his arm around Saiki's neck. "She's supposed to be really hot."

Well duh, stupid. This is a gag anime, everyone is required to be attractive here. Except you.

"Isn't she a foreign transfer student?" Kaidou ponders. "That must mean she can't speak a word of Japanese!"

Why on earth would she be transferring here if she can't speak Japanese?

Kaidou shoots a sneer in Saiki's direction. "Have you been sweeping your English lately? I've been practicing English every chance I have! I've even done extra credit in English class—"

"Eh? The runt can speak English?"

"I have to be able to communicate with a potential ally..." Kaidou is now in Dark Reunion La-la-land and babbles some nonsense about 'the fate of the world' and 'the great war that was yet to come'.

Why are they all crowded around my desk? Go stand somewhere else and talk. Saiki grumbles.


On the first day of school, you theorized that luck came in waves.

If something really good happens to you, something bad will balance it out. There isn't such a thing as a perfect day because bad evens out the good and vice versa.

You came to this conclusion as soon as you stepped foot into the classroom.

This surprised you because your day started off really well. You woke up to the smell of blueberry pancakes and coffee which is something you only see in movies and books. Your uniform, your appearance, your mood, and even the weather was nothing but wonderful. You followed some students wearing the same uniform as you to school so getting lost wasn't an issue. Plus, you don't have to worry about not making friends! Teruhashi was going to be in your class and she seemed really nice.

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