Sesenta y cuatro

Beginne am Anfang

"next time, don't just rush in, you need to look at what's in front of you. it'll be bad if something happened" I nodded in answer "remember to always be careful" when he patted my head I just dazedly look at him.

"kyaaaaah!!!!!!" I woke up from my classmates noise

"ah....that....ummm....." I shut my mouth and just walked past Ryuuji as if nothing happened when inside I just want to slap myself. Idiot! Getting flustered and forgetting myself like that! I'm the villain! I'm the villain! I'm the villain!!!!

"cat!" I stopped and look back, I noticed that Ryuuji remain standing in the same place "come back here" am I not even allowed to run away? I grudgingly return back "stop running away, just ignore them" I look at him in surprise how did he know? "you're actions were very obvious" heck, can he read my mind? "I can't read your mind cat, you're just very expressive right now" my eyes widen in surprise as I fight the urge to hide my face. this natural king is really more potent than the sexy pervert king!!!!

"Ryuuji, Miss Catherine, good morning" I look to my side and saw Monique standing there with a smile on her face looking like an angel

"good morning" I greeted back as I move to the side to make way for her. Just as I moved to my left, Ryuuji take a hold of my hand and pull me to where he is.

"don't block the way cat" I gave him an incredulous look who's blocking the way? "right, it seems that we're blocking it" hmph! It's good that you understand "then let's return to our seat" before I could react he had already pulled me over as he head to our seat, leaving Monique standing there while looking at Ryuuji with disappointment in her eyes. I know it's bad but for some reason, I feel quite happy that Ryuuji had ignored her. ah, it must be the villainess inside of me rejoicing.

"I must give some credit to your king" I look at Kana just as she sat after taking her meal


"you might not know since you really pay attention to academy gossip"

"and you put too much attention to them"

"shut up Rin, just concentrate on your yaoi" Kana ignored Rin who happily complied just as I shake my head from their action. Sometimes I wonder how did we end up being friends.

"anyway, back to the topic"

"you won't really let it off?"

"of course not! it's a big matter since it involves you. well as you know." I sighed and just let Kana talk "The king had ignored you the past few weeks and many had noticed his frequent interaction with the heroine"

"oh? Then?"

"many had speculated that the king had overthrown her queen and choose a commoner" I look at Kana in disbelief

"seriously. Are the students that bored that they resorted to such gossips" now I understood what Ryuuji meant earlier. so he meant clearing up those gossips. I lean on my hand and just as I look towards the door I saw Ryuuji and Aoi coming in.

"oh my good the king and knight is here!!!"

"quick! Pass me a mirror"

"my phone, my phone? Where's my phone"

"aiya, is my make up okay??"

I roll my eyes upwards with this cliché set up.

"ahhhh!!!! President Jansen"

"oh my god! it's the jack!!!!" I almost slipped when I heard the crowd

"jack?" I look at Kana since she's the one who spread the nickname of Ryuuji and Aoi

"aren't I ingenious? The king is Ryuuji, the knight is Aoi, the jack is Jansen and the Ace is Zero"

"Zero?" I asked in surprise

"isn't he the Ace who bounded you with the king?"


"what? Zero was this invincible barrier between the two you. when the three of you are together Zero wouldn't even let anyone near him to interrupt you two, he's the red string the connected the king and queen back then" I want to bury myself. Seriously what's with the people around me?

"finished with your lunch?"

"halo, Catherine" I smiled at Aoi while ignoring Ryuuji yet it doesn't seem to have any effect as he just took a seat beside me.

"it's rare that the two of you were late for lunch, did you stop by somewhere?"

"mnm....i help Ryuuji with his duties in the disciplinary committee"

"Disciplinary committee?" I look at Ryuuji in inquiry

"what? Didn't he tell you yet Catherine that he had took over the chairmanship" Aoi put his spoon down "I've been helping with some paper works, according to him I had to compensate him because of those favor I had asked for him"

"compensate? What kind of compensation?" Rin suddenly asked out of the blue which startled Aoi

"Rin" I said her name in a warning

"hmph!" she then pick her spoon and started bingeing her food.

"somehow, the moniker of ice princess doesn't suit Rin when she's not seen behind the big screen" Aoi commented as he continued to watch Rin.

"she's the complete opposite of the idiom, what you see is what you get. Anyway Aoi, I'm done with the thing you're asking me, I'll give it to you tomorrow"

"okay thanks"

"things?" I can't follow the conversation!!!!

"he asked me to make a perfume as a gift for Monique, it took me a while but I finally finished it"

"perfume eh" I look at Kana with accusing eyes, so she had such knowledge yet she did not even bother to tell me about it.

"yep, remember the time you saw the two of us back then, he was asking me a favor then. But really, knight, you had such a great disposition yet you fall for someone like the heroine"

"can you stop picking on me. are you really my friend? You can't even be happy for me"

"tsh, tell that to me when you managed to take her eyes of from the king" I lean back when an awkward air suddenly enveloped our group.

i reincarnated as a villainess, so what?! (unedited and on hiatus)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt