12➢ movies & late night chats

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mackenzie ziegler


"take you out on a date?" i speedwalk out of the turner's household.

"oh! i know, a vacation." he pauses. "actually i don't have that kind of money." he lowers his head. "but, i'll make it somehow!" he grabs me by the arm, spinning me around. "please, kenz! anything!"

"john! can you please just let me sleep this all off," i look at him dead in the eye. "i'll talk to you later." i kiss him on the cheek before spinning around to see maddie waiting in her car, parked on the side of the road.

"i love you," he says, making me stop in my tracks. i spin around on my heel to face him.

"i love you too," i softly smile, before turning back around, opening the door to maddie's sleek black car. i swiftly swing my body into the car, shutting the door behind me. i slouch into the seat, the seat warmers making my butt a little bit warmer than the rest of my body.

"what was that all about?" maddie questions me, putting her car into drive. i grab the seatbelt placing it around my body, making sure to hear the click. 

"who would know," i huff. "according to johnny, nadia drugged him, took him home and forced him to make out with her." i massage my face in exhaustion, trying to relax. 

"well, do you believe him?" she turns out of the turner's driveway leaving johnny standing there.

"i don't know." i breakdown into tears. "i don't know what is happening to us lately." i choke on my tears. "ever since we caught feelings for each other, everything has just gone downhill." tears continue to spill out of my eyes.

"how about we go home and watch a movie, grab some snacks and you two can talk it out tomorrow?" she drives down the dead road, heading out onto the main road to head back home.

"thanks, mads." i choke on my tears, that roll down my face.

"anything for my little sister," she takes one hand off the steering wheel and scruffles up my hair, making me scrunch my eyebrows together. "post a cute photo on insta." she turns to me a wink. "you know, the ones that annie took for you."

i take my phone out of the centre console, scrolling through my photos to find a good photo to post. i settle on a photo that was taken a couple of days ago after i came out of the hospital.


johnnyorlando, annieleblanc, rubyrose and 208 others liked this post

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johnnyorlando, annieleblanc, rubyrose and 208 others liked this post.

kenzieziegler; recovered :)


annieleblanc; thank the lord

annieleblanc; also pic cred ;)
kenzieziegler; ofc ;)

rubyrose; you're so beautiful!
kenzieziegler; thanks ruby! xo
nadiaturner; i told you not to interact with her ruby

carsonleuders; so glad you're all well again
haydensumerall; agreed ^
kenzieziegler; thanks, boys :)

laurenorlando; love you bestfriend :)
kenzieziegler; I LOVE YOU LOLO


"can we please watch the kissing booth, mads!" i whine, flopping onto my soft bed.

"kenz, we have watched that like 3 times." she turns to face me, with her hands on her hips.

"you said we could watch my favourite movie," i raise my eyebrows. "this is my favourite movie," i state the obvious.

"fine," she rolls her eyes, pulling the kissing booth up on netflix. "go get the snacks from the kitchen." i groan, slowly making my way off my bed and down the stairs. i enter the kitchen to see meredith and my mum, both with coffees in there hands, having a normal conversation.

"oh hi, kenzie." meredith turns around on the bar chair.

"don't mind me, just getting snacks for out movie." i awkwardly smile, quickly grabbing the snacks maddie and i brought from the store. i race back upstairs with all the snacks spilling out of my hands.

"ready?" maddie says, as she snuggles up to the piles of blankets on my bed.


"night mads." i softly smile as she goes to exit my room.

"night, kenz." she smiles, slowly shutting my door behind her.

i toss and turn for around 30 minutes attempting to fall asleep, but all i could think about was johnny. i tip-toe across the cool hardwood floor and make my way to my desk grabbing a small pebble from my makeup brush holder. slowly making my way over to my window, i shove my curtains open and slowly open my window.

i launch the pebble at johnny's window, causing it to make a 'ping' sound. i wait for around 10 seconds before johnny's curtains come flying open and johnny's body is standing right before my eyes.

his eyes adjust to the light before he uses his muscle to open up his window. "kenz, it's like 3 am." he rubs his eyes, using his fists.

"i miss you," i whisper, just loud enough for him to hear me. he looks at me, taking a deep breath in. he squishes through the gap of his window, threading his long legs into my room. i step back, allowing him to come in.

the rest of his body enters my room shortly after his first leg came through. i wrap my small body around his muscular body, his head sitting on top of mine. he gently kisses the top of my head, softly rubbing my back with his bare hands.

"i love you," i mumble into his bare chest.

"i love you too," he whispers into my hair.


NAW too cute

sorry this took so long, it justed moved houses :)

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