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Marlo: Guys, you can fuck your whole life up hanging out with people who have no vision or goals..

Jane: Well, That's the reason why i don't hangout with anyone anymore. And check this out. This is why my friends list is so small. Got rid of all the negativity in my life.

Marlo: Oi but you're also dumb with no achievements.

Jane: Shut up, I'm not like you.

Hermin: People do influence your decisions only if you allow them to. It’s all about self control and discipline. You can’t blame other people for all your problems.

John: It’s not about blame! If you leave a ripen fruit in a basket of spoiled ones, that one ripen fruit is bound to spoil! Logic my friend! Law of attraction!

Hermin: Just because you don’t grow doesn’t mean I won’t. I will continue to move forward with or without you. Clearly I will try to help but if you’re unmotivated there’s no way I’m going to allow that to influence me to be unmotivated. I do understand where you’re coming from but when it comes down to it, it’s your choices. No one else’s.

John: Exactly! If you choose to hang with numbnuts all day you bout to become one of them if you don’t leave them!

Jay: If you hang around d*ckheads with no aspirations, you’re fucking your life up anyway, by not respecting yourself enough to choose proper friends.

Marlo: Can’t talk about big things with small minded people, that’s the point.

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