I shook the thought away and step aside. He takes the board and bring it over to the stove.

It's been over a month now. Jungkook and Jimin were a thing. I was jealous and mad. Jimin hasn't met up with me for some time now.

I did tell Hoseok about the kiss that happened between Jungkook and Seokjin. We said we'll use that against Jimin but how? We just have been hanging out together now that I think of it.

I look over to Hoseok who was busy cooking. Sighing I grab a jacket and quietly head out. There were lots of people out today. I walk slowly not exactly knowing where I was heading.

But a particular someone caught my eye. Jin. He enters a building before I can even make sure I was seeing right.

I cross the street and make my way to the building. Hospital. Is he not feeling well? I open the door and enter. It wasn't bustling with much people but Jin was nowhere in sight.

I still wander in. I go up to the desk and waited since the woman was still talking on the phone. I hear a door open and turn my head towards the sound.

Jin steps out and bow before leaving. I quickly follow after. "Jin!" I grab his wrist. He turns around shock.

"Taehyung," he says and eyes me. "What are you doing here?" We were now outside on the sidewalk.

"Yeah, what are you doing here?" another voice said behind me. It couldn't be who I thought it was.

I let go of Jin's wrist and turn around. I was right. Standing there was Jungkook and Jimin though they had on mouth masks, I knew it was them. Jimin was standing really close to Jungkook.

Jimin has his eyes pinned on me. I miss those eyes. I look over to Jungkook. He had his eyes pinned onJin.

"I was just taking a walk and thought I saw Jin. I just wanted to say hi." I look up at Jimin.

Jungkook pulled down his mask. "We just came to pick up Jin. Long time no see, Taehyung." He was handsome I got to say but that still didn't make me sympathize for him that Jimin didn't actually love him.

Jin walks over to them and with that the three walks off into this car. I couldn't help but feel sad and annoyed. Jimin didn't say anything else other than ask what I was doing here.

I sigh and look down suddenly feeling the light rain on my head. The sound of the rain is soothing. I hope this train start speeding up.

Namjoon's p.o.v

I listen to the rain as I wait. The sound of the rain is the best background music. I tap my foot as the rain continues coming down.

"Namjoon." I lift my head. He had his hair jelled and really styled. His hair that usually fell down to cover his forehead was push to the side too. He also had on makeup. Not a ton but some.

His jawline was also sharper looking.

"Jimin? I thought you were going to be...working late." I also thought he was going to not come see me.

Over the time I and Jimin became great friends. He'd come over at times. I was also the one who helped him practice singing when he was doing a song with Jungkook.

"Oh.. I-I just wanted to come over since.. I finished early." He gave a small smile. I had a feeling he wasn't telling the entire truth but I didn't show it.

Jimin looked a bit distracted as his eyes kept lingering around and he didn't seem to really focus. When his eyes met my eyes he gasped and stumbled back. "S-sorry," he apologized.

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